Fancy something sweet?


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm new T2 diabetic. What do people eat if you really fancy something sweet in the early days of diet adjusting? Is it just fruit?
I'm new T2 diabetic. What do people eat if you really fancy something sweet in the early days of diet adjusting? Is it just fruit?
Extra Dark Chocolate (70% or more) or Cereal Bars such as Nature Valley or KIND for me. Even then I restricted myself to no more than 3 or 4 squares of chocolate a day (and not all at once), and no more than a couple of cereal bars. I still do.
I'm new T2 diabetic. What do people eat if you really fancy something sweet in the early days of diet adjusting? Is it just fruit?
I would eat something sweet - if I fancied it - carbs are carbs, so it doesn't really matter a jot if you eat starch or sugar, it all ends up the same.
The only proviso is if - like me - you can resist anything but temptation, staying low carb, not eating all of the box/punnet/packet should guide you as to what particular sweet food you choose to eat.
I'm new T2 diabetic. What do people eat if you really fancy something sweet in the early days of diet adjusting? Is it just fruit?
The website sugarfreelondoner has recipes for cakes, biscuits as well as savoury foods, low carb and easy to make.
Chocolate eclairs are not bad on carbs.
Extra Dark Chocolate (70% or more) or Cereal Bars such as Nature Valley or KIND for me. Even then I restricted myself to no more than 3 or 4 squares of chocolate a day (and not all at once), and no more than a couple of cereal bars. I still do.
I would eat something sweet - if I fancied it - carbs are carbs, so it doesn't really matter a jot if you eat starch or sugar, it all ends up the same.
The only proviso is if - like me - you can resist anything but temptation, staying low carb, not eating all of the box/punnet/packet should guide you as to what particular sweet food you choose to eat.
A really really good dark chocolate (70 % or over) does the trick for me...although having said I will have the odd mars bar once in a for cereal bars my favourite ones are KIND...they are seriously good.
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I tried Lindt 90% dark chocolate this weekend just gone. I have to say it wasn't especially bitter but it also was in no way sweet and didn't taste like chocolate. I don't think I'll have it again! I'll be sticking with 50g of either raspberries or blueberries, sometimes strawberries.
I tried Lindt 90% dark chocolate this weekend just gone. I have to say it wasn't especially bitter but it also was in no way sweet and didn't taste like chocolate. I don't think I'll have it again! I'll be sticking with 50g of either raspberries or blueberries, sometimes strawberries.
Try the Moser Roth chocolate from Aldi that I find is very nice.
Mars and snickers are now doing a protein bar
Snickers are better than Mars 15g carb per 57g bar as opposed to 22g per 57g bar. Snickers compares well with the Nature Valley protein bars or KIND or Graze
Good to know because the snickers one tastes nicer as well