False readings on Libre2?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Morning all. I’m T1D just 4 months in but seem to be managing pretty well with the insulin, carb counting and technology. My time in range is over 90% or at least it was until this weekend…

Over the weekend, I’ve been showing as remaining high quite a lot but even without eating anything. This morning, I had my normal breakfast and insulin dose which normally rises me to about 9mmol/l. When I got to work, the app was showing 17mmol/l and rising. Panic set in and I was contemplating a trip to the hospital but thought to check with a finger prick. I repeated 4 times over 30 minutes and each reading was between 9.0 and 10.8 mmol/l - nothing like the reading on the app. Panic over!

Does this happen to other people on the forum, i.e. false readings via the Libre 2 and app? If so, any advice?

If those readings were all within a 30 minute period then i wouldn’t be able to draw any conclusions because the Libre can struggle with rapidly changing levels, but if it continues when your levels are more stable and you get 3 or more readings that are way out I’d be replacing the sensor and contacting the company as you probably have a faulty sensor.
Can you post a photo/screen shot of your graph. Just wondering if your levels were rising fast after breakfast and then leveled off. Libre is want to overshoot due to the algorithm, but then the graph often corrects later and the graph line doesn't go through the high point. Not sure if this still applies with full CGM How long after getting the 17 reading did you start finger pricking?
The advice is to always double check with a finger prick any CGM reading which is out of the ordinary or particularly high or low before you take action and just for future reassurance, 17 would not warrant a visit to hospital unless you tested high for ketones too. What is Libre reading now? Has it come down?
If it is still reading more than 2 mmols higher than finger prick readings. You need 3 pairs of readings where it was more than 2 adrift to report it to Abbott customer care and they will generally send you a replacement in that situation.
Many of us do a couple of checks during the lifetime of the sensor usually when levels are nice and stable and in range to get a feel for how the sensor is performing. For me Libre generally reads about 1mmol below my BG meter.
Thanks @Radders and @rebrascora. Screenshot attached. I tested with finger pricks 08:30, 09:00 and 10:00 which all showed levels of 9-10 mmol/l. I even did a finger prick test on a spare machine to corroborate which it did. I called Abbots who were very good and have put a new sensor in the post. My new sensor is showing 7.5 mmol/l so all good. Phew - had me very worried for a few moments there!


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are yes does scare me like you when i get an un explained high my last scare was about a week ago 45 carb lunch gave a 4 unit insulin shot as my pre meal bllod sugar was high 13.4 but as the afternoon goes on 14.4 up to 21.9 so into action like you increase 100% to 2000 % Basal rate .
then by syringe 5 units of NOVARAPID later over an hour change needle and line on my ACCU-PUMP COMBO PUMP and b/s still rise so by syringe another 5 units
later that pm i was finger pricking blood sugars every 20 mins 6-30 pm started to come down combo pump total insulin onboard 11 units 9 pm back to normal no food eaten only drinking TEA
WE ARE ALL DIFFRENT and we learn as we go along two occasions were NOTED but BATTERIES REPLACED AS LOW BATT SIGN
KEEP SAFE WE ARE NOT ALONE Somebody somewhere has been there and as they say got the T SHIRT TAKE CARE KEEP SAFE VIC
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