Fairly New, Can Someone Please, Please Help Me

Anne Driscoll

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I am relatively new here. Can someone please, please help me ? I am a 69 yr old woman type 2 no medication yet. I am 9 stone 7 Ibs 5’ 3”. I need carbs as i am getting hardly any my brain is starved..Thanks
What do you eat in an average day @Anne Driscoll ? Low carb isn’t no carb. It’s up to 130g per day. It’s very sad that you’ve been given the idea you can’t have carbs. You can.
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Why not try a Meal Plan?:

There are also recipes here, all with the carb count and other nutritional information:

I see from your previous posts there was a concern about cherry tomatoes. They’re fine! There’s no need to worry about small amounts of carbs in things like tomatoes.
Hi I am relatively new here. Can someone please, please help me ? I am a 69 yr old woman type 2 no medication yet. I am 9 stone 7 Ibs 5’ 3”. I need carbs as i am getting hardly any my brain is starved..Thanks
Can you give us an idea of what you're eating as a low carb diet of the recommended under 130g per day shouldn't leave you starved.
Here’s your previous thread @Anne Driscoll :

Have you increased the food you’re eating a bit? I see the Meal Plans were mentioned there. TBH, it sounds like food is scaring you a bit and leading you to be overly strict with your diet, which might be the cause of your feelings.
Welcome to the forum.
You've mentioned you have not yet been given any meds, did your doctor tell you what the result of your HbA1c diabetes test was?
Nice to see you posting again @Anne Driscoll

You mentioned Ozempic and Metformin when you posted in July, have you stopped those meds now? Has your appetite improved?

Have you made any changes to your menu from what you were eating before?

Perhaps you might give members an idea of the sorts of things you are eating for their feedback?