Fair well I feel...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Dear friends, old and new,

As some will know I've had a few health issues over the past few months and my presence here has faded gradually over this time, the last two weeks due to being away on holiday.

However, on reflection I think it's time to say fair well, not goodbye, because I will still look in from time to time, but not with the frequency I have in months gone by. If there is something I can contribute to then I willn of course do my best.

It has been an privilege to know so many courageous and dedicated people, both old hands with this condition, new comers getting to terms with what life has thrown at them, but most incredibly the parents of young children and teenagers with diabetes. To these parents, I hope from the bottom of my heart your efforts today are continued by your children and that they lead full, happy and healthy lives. And that you can look back at the trials and tribulations of today patting yourselves on your back for your dedication, love and caring.

To you all, I wish you the very best of luck and health for the future. Live life to the full, prosper and learn more each day.

Best wishes,

David, I hope that you enjoyed your holiday🙂

You have been a great asset to this place, helping to shape it from its earliest days by bringing your special humour and knowledge, and great support, to it and giving it the special 'flavour' of friendliness that helps set it apart.

We will always be here for you, so please do pop in and say hello when you get the opportunity🙂

Take care.
I really hope everything is ok David and I hope you had a great holiday. Take care x
David hope you had a good hol , dont forget to pop in like you said t/c
Oh I am really sad to read this David, I really enjoyed that line of PM's we had a while back and to read your contributions to the boards. I think you under-rate your contribution here, you will definately be missed.

I shall also miss the "action" pics of the dog!

You say that you have had a few health problems of late and I am very sorry/sad to hear that. I hope it is nothing too serious and of course I wish you the best sentiments of good health and happiness for the future.

Dont be a stranger-

Hi David,
You will be sorely missed on this forum - you always managed to raise a smile!:D
I hope you enjoyed your holiday. Please post us the odd joke now and again - it wont be the same without you.:(

Thankyou for you kind words about the parents on this forum. It means a lot that you think we are doing right by our children.🙂

Best wishes to you and yours and take care. Bev and Alex xxx

I hope you enjoyed your holiday, and that you are okay, don't forget we are here for you two.

Secondly you will be missed, you knowledge was always held high, and you dropped a few classic jokes.

Take care of your self and your dog (sorry forgotten his name)


I hope that you are recovering well from your recent health issues and that your holiday was just the tonic you needed. 🙂

Sorry to hear you are leaving but i hope you do visit. Thank you for your lovely post and i especially appreciate what you said about us parents. Encouraging words like yours really do help to give strength for us to keep pushing on. Thank you. 🙂

I wish you every happiness as you continue your way in life.

Mand xx 🙂
This forum will miss your frequent posts.

It would be nice to see you back if you ever change your mind.

Best of health to you and all around you
I'll miss your posts....take care and do pop by sometime and say hello.
David, you will be truly missed here...I've always appreciated your wisdom and level-headedness, and hope you do pop by sometimes to say hello.

Thank you for everything, and especially your words about parents -- you will know how valuable it is to hear this once in a while. So thank you, and take good care.

Hi David

All the very best with dealing with your health problems - hope that you have the strength to focus on the positives when the negatives of being ill make things seem difficult. Take care
Sad to see you go. :( I really enjoyed speaking to you on MSN. I get my new hearing aids today as it happens.

Hope your health improves. 🙂
Yes, I would like to reiterate what everyone else has already said! Your posts will be missed as will your presence so do keep popping onto the board! I hope your health problems aren't causing too many problems. Good luck with everything! x
Good luck and improved health, I will miss your regular posts. I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday.

Do look in from time to time.
I second what everyone else has said! Hope your health improves & you do still pop in from time to time!

All the best,

Hi David ....

Hope you had a really good holiday ... 😉 ... You could have brought the sun back for me ... lol

I'm going to miss your posts .... and support on the forum ... and your humour and level headedness .. Hopefully though you will still pop on from time to time ... :D

Thank you for all your kindness you have shown to me and Nathan over the past few months ... and for your words for us parents .. xx 🙂

Take care ... chat soon

Heidi and Nathan
xxxxx 🙂
Hi David , I will be sorry to see you go , I hope you can pop back every so often and let us know how you and Brucie are doing . Take care and best wishes xx A.M 🙂
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