Fainting and Sickness using Insulin

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have Type 2 Diebetis. I am not overweight and my diet is good. I excercise and am fit. I also have Rhumatoid Arthritis. This sometimes involves high doses of Steroids to control the pain. This has not helped with the Diebetis. I was diagnosed with Diebetis six months ago. I cannot tolerate many drugs and was eventually prescribed Insulin. I have passed out once nearly passed out two or three times with sickness and headache. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms injecting insulin?
Important that you test bg when you start to feel unwell & act accordingly afterwards, agree with @Inka that it sounds like hypos so seek advice from your care team if unsure what to do.
Steroids have the reputation for increasing blood glucose and people often struggle to keep it low enough but it sounds as if you are having problems with going too low.
What insulin regime are you following and how are you monitoring your blood glucose as that will help people make some suggestions.
However it sounds as if you need some support from your diabetic nurse to make adjustments to help.
Hi yes. No they were not Hypos. ‍️

So what was your blood sugar? The fact you passed out means you should speak to your GP. It might be the steroids, or it could be something totally unconnected to the RA or the diabetes. Best to get it checked out.
Did you test your blood glucose, if so what was it.
Could your sickness be a side effect of the steroids.
Hi yes. I live in Spain. I actually collapsed on the beach and was taken to hospital. I wasn't on steroids at the time. It's really strange. I believe it is the insulin affecting me.
Which insulin(s) are you using? And how long after injecting did these episodes occur?
Just wondering if it could be a migraine. I used to vomit regularly with my migraines and passed out whilst doing so, on more than one occasion. It is scary when you feel that ill.
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