Fainted at work today!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
...and I think it was slightly d related.

So I'm helping one of the junior sisters with a patient (he was putting a new stoma bag on her stoma and I was suctioning off any oozy stuff coming out of it, just fyi). After a while I got that "uh oh, I'm low" feeling, but I knew that I was only going to be there for a couple more minutes so I decided to stick it out and wait (I was literally standing there holding a suction device).

Next thing I know, I felt incredibly sick, so I took some deep breaths...then I got dizzy. I was still trying to act okay at this point then it all became a bit *too* much so I said to Joel, the jnr sister, "I feel really dizzy". He told me to sit down and I promptly slid down the patient's locker and onto the floor. My eyesight was gone at this point (you know when you press on your eyelids and you see shapes and stars? Like that) and I landed with a thump.

Next thing I know another jnr sister comes running in with the testing kit, I stick out a hand and she tests at 3.1. Another nurse has spotted it was me on the floor so has come over with some lucozade.

Took me a minute to stop shaking/get a clear mind and be able to stand up, the jnr sister made me hold her arm all the way to the staff room in case I fell over haha. I was okay, just low then!

Took about 20 mins for my BGs to get above 5 (that took 3 cups of lucozade), I had a banana and put a temp basal of 40% on - looks like I got it just right as after 2 hours I was 5.4.

I think all that happened was it got too hot, and combined with the hypo, my body decided to take its own way out! I've never ever fainted or even felt faint before so it was all a bit of a shock at the time!
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Oh Shiv! Thank goodness they knew what to do! How unusual to feel like that on a 3.1 :confused: I guess we can feel faint for other reasons and maybe the 3.1 was a bit of a red herring? Had you eaten recently? Or maybe, fr some reason, your levels decided to dive suddenly and it was the speed of the drop that...er...dropped you?

Well done on the pump-stylee adjustments and later levels though! 🙂
I don't think it was the hypo alone that made me feel faint - I think the heat had a lot to do with it, and the two combined lead my body to decide to drop. To be honest I think I may have still dropped (literally) even without the hypo, the hypo symptoms themselves really didn't add much to the situation.

I had eaten a couple of hours previously so I think perhaps it was the end of the insulin still dropping me, and heat causes insulin to be absorbed faster.
How awful for you Shiv, but I could well imagine the combination of the heat and going hypo could make you light headed and faint. Hope you feel better today!
Shiv , hope youre feeling better today 🙂
I hope you are feeling better now. It is good there were people on hand to help you.
Oh Poor Shiv - hope you feel better today. To be honest the 'suctioning off any oozy stuff coming out of it' comment nearly had me on the floor! What a great job you do!
Eeew Shiv, your description alone would have had me fainting......😱

I hope you feel better today and make sure you eat something.🙂Bev
LOL shiv. I say lol, not because of your story, but because of the others saying Ewww! That was my reaction too at first.

Hope you are feeling better soon.
Hope today has been better Shiv - nasty experience that but sometimes the numbers don't mean a lot, you might have been lower or as you say it could have been the heat. You take care.xx
Hi Shiv - I hope you are feeling better today.

I am useless in anything other than ambient temperatures. I think I must have some reptile DNA. So I can understand how the heat would get to you.
Shiv hope your feeling better today hun xx
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