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Failure :-(


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I feel such a failure... this carb counting is going okay.. but my BM's been between 9mmols and 19mmols.. Do I need a higher ratio eff knows...
And that basal stuff seems to go through me (and I am a bright lass)
Its now affecting my emotions, and am starting to binge....

I want to do this, but my body seems to want to regress back to my old ways.... and i'm still waiting for the PCT to sort out DAFNE & Accom etc...

Still waiting results for urine and blood results

And feeling very tired, and grrr... this condition has controlled me since diagnosis (2002) and have just got to grips with it... and now this

Please don't think you are failure, I have been experiencing the same problems, I was diagnosed 3 years ago. I know how you feel & have felt the same many times but taking to people on here will help! They know much more than me & will be able to give you helpful advise! I am waiting for a Daphne course too but was told last week that I have a least a years wait :eek::eek:

Keep positive & take each day as it comes & if it becomes a real struggle call your Diabetic nurse & ask for help!

Hi Catareta,

First thing, you are NOT a failure, so please don't think that! I've found that, however much I want to move things forward quickly, I have to be patient. There is so much adaptation that is required before you can achieve the control you desire. You've made a great start wtih the carb counting, and it really will get much, much easier once you are familiar with various foods and how they affect you - and when. It's important to test regularly so you can see if certain things push up your blood sugar after your insulin has peaked, for example.

Is your fasting level generally around 9 mmol/l? If so, that would suggest that you've not got your basal right yet. Again, this is tricky, but once achieved it is the bedrock of good control. I've found that adjusting my basal by just one unit can significantly affect my fasting levels - e.g. taking 18 lantus instead of 20 will generally mean a fasting level of around 8-9, whereas 20 will give levels of 4-5.

It's literally taken me months to work out what's right for me, but now I'm usually reasonably accurate matching my insulin to food intake and activity levels, and you really feel that you are 'back in control' of your life.

I'm hoping that you can keep up the good work and the determination to succeed -the rewards really will be worth it! Please try and keep up your spirits, talk to your DSN about the basal, keep records of absolutely everything you eat and how it has affected you, plus activity levels, stress, illness etc. - build a real foundation for understanding. You have my best wishes, and the support of everyone here, so don't feel you are alone in this.

You will get there!:)
I feel such a failure... this carb counting is going okay.. but my BM's been between 9mmols and 19mmols.. Do I need a higher ratio eff knows...
And that basal stuff seems to go through me (and I am a bright lass)
Its now affecting my emotions, and am starting to binge....
Nope not a failure. Just frustrated
Your basal........The simple way to do it if you can't get your head round the normal way. Is to increase your basal by 2 units at a time every 3 days until you come into range. The normal starting number for an adult is 1 unit/10 carbs. Most start with a correction factor of 1 unit drops you by 3 mmols. Once you have the hang of things you can then start to fine tune things, re your carb ratio. But the basal must be sorted 1st.

I want to do this, but my body seems to want to regress back to my old ways.... and i'm still waiting for the PCT to sort out DAFNE & Accom etc...

Still waiting results for urine and blood results

And feeling very tired, and grrr... this condition has controlled me since diagnosis (2002) and have just got to grips with it... and now this

You will win. Just take one day at a time. Forget yesterday and move on.((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))
Thanks to you all.. will call my DSN this afternoon....

Didnt realise it was a common prob... just got self worked up as BM is 17mmols at the mo...

I'm trying my ratios at 2:1 for lunch and dinner and my lantus is 40u o/d
Thanks to you all.. will call my DSN this afternoon....

Didnt realise it was a common prob... just got self worked up as BM is 17mmols at the mo...

I'm trying my ratios at 2:1 for lunch and dinner and my lantus is 40u o/d

I know it isn't easy, but try not to get too stressed - stress can raise your blood sugar too! Hope the DSN gives you some good advice and reassurance - don't be afraid to ask her anything, that's what she's there for!:)