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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
When I was first diagnosed with type 2 my eyesight was terribly...so much so I could not work. It took about a month for my blood sugars to settle down a bit and my eye sight returned to normal.
I have a fairly strong prescription which I am pretty sure needs changing. But I have had glucose in the range of 12-15 for a few months. I am now using insulin and my readings have come down to 8-12 range. My eyesight is a little blurry but I am not sure whether that is due to changing blood glucose or needing a change of prescription. I am speaking to the nurse next week and I suspect he will tell me to take more insulin to bring it down a bit more. (He actually told me to take more if I was still getting highs above 12 but I am bit nervous about doing that without talking to him first!!) If my glucose comes down more I am concerned about getting new glasses and them needing to be changed again.

My glasses cost in the region of 600-700 pounds because of the lens prescription so I am very wary of getting them until I am sure my glucose levels have stopped changing my vision.

Does anyone have any advice on how long it took for their eyes to remain stable after lowering their glucose levels please?
Thank you
The usual advice is to allow 3 months after stabilising blood sugars before getting new glasses. Are you suitable for contact lenses at all in the interim?
I had problems with my eyes when my blood glucose came down from reducing my carb intake. Exactly as you say near vision out of focus and it felt as if my eyes were i different heads. For me it took several months to settle down. I did need a change in prescription but would likely have needed that anyway. Yes my glasses are mega bucks as well.
The usual advice is to allow 3 months after stabilising blood sugars before getting new glasses. Are you suitable for contact lenses at all in the interim?
Thanks I will leave it for a bit. The idea of contact lenses makes me feel quite sick!!!! I will manage as I am for a bit.
I had problems with my eyes when my blood glucose came down from reducing my carb intake. Exactly as you say near vision out of focus and it felt as if my eyes were i different heads. For me it took several months to settle down. I did need a change in prescription but would likely have needed that anyway. Yes my glasses are mega bucks as well.
I wondered if it was the low carb that was doing it. I shall wait a while before buying new ones. Tganks
I wondered if it was the low carb that was doing it. I shall wait a while before buying new ones. Tganks
It is connected to low carb as low carb will reduce blood glucose or so will various medications and it is the change in the environment of the eye which will go from being sugary to the more normal salty so the shape of the eye changes and therefore the focal length.
The main reason is due to the lens swelling because of high blood sugar, but there are other diabetes related causes of blurred vision - macular edema for instance.

My eyesight came back to normal after a few weeks of low carb and hasn’t changed since. I should get an eye test, but I too need expensive glasses and am dreading it!
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