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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all!

Alex had his eyes photographed today at the opticians - and all is normal - its nice to get good news!:DBev
Absolutely! My main problem with my eyes is that they're 50 years old! Only started wearing glasses for reading a couple of years ago though, but must get back to my optician now that the 'after-effects' of my high blood sugars at diagnosis have cleared fullyto see if they've deteriorated - they don't tell you that at retinal screening as that's not what they're looking for.

Sometimes, when I'm going hypo, my eyesight goes very 'flickery', often before other symptoms arise.
Sometimes, when I'm going hypo, my eyesight goes very 'flickery', often before other symptoms arise.

I get eyesight changes when i'm hypo too. But I get spots rather than flickering, like if you look at a bright light.
Its always nice to get good news

Im dreading my test as already got an eye confition thar requires hospital visits. Got the details today about arranging an appointment

Ally x
I had my eyes done yesterday, I was gutted as this is the first time I've been unable to read the bottom line of the eye chart! Since then everyone seems to tell me that they've never been able to read it but still, very disappointing that I seem to be loosing my 'perfect' eye sight, must be my age....!!! (maybe the constant staring at a computer screen at work and then at home isn't helping though!!)
Absolutely! My main problem with my eyes is that they're 50 years old! Only started wearing glasses for reading a couple of years ago though, but must get back to my optician now that the 'after-effects' of my high blood sugars at diagnosis have cleared fullyto see if they've deteriorated - they don't tell you that at retinal screening as that's not what they're looking for.

Sometimes, when I'm going hypo, my eyesight goes very 'flickery', often before other symptoms arise.

I go 'blurry' when hypo too, it's one of my first signs although I don't always pick up on it, just coming out of a hypo at the moment and can just about see properly again!!
Nice to hear good results Bev.

It is a long time since I was able to read the bottom line of the chart, bt at my last test I was told my eyes had changed very little. As for the blurry vision, I only get that after too much sugar!
Good to hear the results, Bev. Remember though at this stage any newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetic would be more likely to need glasses for short/long sightedness than treatment for eye changes due to the long term complications of diabetes. It is much more likely that it is those of us with unknown Type 2 for a number of years before diagnosis who will have seemingly early changes. I've worn glasses since I was 12 and had yearly eye checks but only found early diabetic changes last year (6 months post diagnosis). Off course, as others point out hypos and hypers can lead to blurred vision which is why it is recommended that any newly diagnosed diabetic waits until they are stablilised before changing glasses.

Changing glasses is, of course, the eye watering moment when you see the size of the bill .... at least as diabetics we don't have to pay for the eye test