Eyes playing up !

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi there,

Any of you had this problem . Any idea what's going on ?

I was very recently diagnosed as type 2 diabetic ( on 29/4/17 ) I am 49 and slim.

When I was admitted to hospital it was because I had explained to my father ( who's a type 2 on insulin ) that recently I'd been feeling thirsty and lost a bit of weight about 4 months ago. He checked my blood and my sugar levels were off the scale I think about 33.

I quickly started a low carb high fat diet and started exercising daily.

Now with my regime for the past week I've managed to keep i my sugar levels down to the "normal" ranges of between 4-8 .

I was in the first instance prescribed metaformin and glaclazide both twice a day. After 4 days I have managed to ditch the glaclazide because of my new regime ( it was lowing my sugar levels too much and I was getting fasting levels in the mornings under 4 )

The eye problem....

Now since I was about 43 I have had reading specs - I've not needed them other than for... reading ! My eyes otherwise have been good with clear vision.

3 days ago my eyes started playing up- at first I noticed things would be blurry and then my vision would clear up again ( it usually got clearer when I had done some fast walking / exercise - but not always )

Then it's since got worse and now I can't see clearly unless I wear my reading specs !!....and the reading specs are not quite clear enough for regular book reading - or seeing whats's on my iPhone. It's most annoying , strange... and a bit scary.

I went to Moorfields Eye Hospital today convinced I'd get a rational explanation. Waited about four hours to see a doctor ( the nurse had done preliminary test- pressure test etc )

I explained to the doctor my situation and emphasised that because I am deaf I am particularly concerned about my eyes and wanted to check if there was any damage and stop it from getting worse etc

The doctor asked how long I had had my reading specs to which replied "about 6 years" - straight away he seemed to disapprove. I then told him I also had other specs - more recently prescribed about 2 years ago ( for reading ) but I didn't like them they were a tad too strong and I preferred the old ones . ( which I was wearing at the appointment ).The doctor then checked my retina for any nerve damage etc - His conclusion simply was that I needed was new spectacles ! He could offer no explanation as to why this sudden change in my vision and seemed to think it was nothing to do with diabetes !

I was baffled to say the least.

Ideas anyone ?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Hi @SHORAN , Welcome. Obviously I can't be sure if this is what's happening to you, but it's quite common with us diabetics.
When our BGs (blood glucose) levels come down a bit quick, we can get blurry vision for a while, mine lasted a few weeks before it settled. Some people's sight returns to how it was before, others like me find they no longer need distance glasses after years of wearing them.
It's due to the eyes changing shape as our glucose comes down.
If you go to a good optician , tell them you've just been DX (diagnosed) they will test your eyes , if they find all is well they'll inform you to wait around a month before getting glasses as your prescription will probably change.
I hope this is the case for you.
Do let us know how you get on.
Hello Sean, wecome to the forum. It's probably everything to do with your diabetes. As your blood glucose varies, so the density of the clear fluid in the eye changes, so the eyes can get blurry. That's why it got better with fast walking- your BG would be getting lower with the exercise. When I was first diagnosed the same thing happened to me, and probably most of the good people on the forum. I went to the optician who carefully explained all this to me, and told me to come back when my glucose levels had stabilised.

So, what is happening to you is perfectly normal, no permanent damage will have been done, and if you get your BG controlled, it won't happen again.

Now then, have you introduced yourself on the Newbies forum? That's the best place to go for all the advice you could possibly get on diet, exercise, and anything else you can ask. Everyone is friendly and helpful. I'm T1, so I'll leave it to the T2 gang to help you along further

Best of luck 🙂
You'll make me blush, Lin. Different, not better. Same message🙂
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Oh wow - thanks for your replies ! Such a relief to hear what you say !

I will persevere and fingers crossed like you say things vision wise should eventually return to normal.

Now - if I could just tweek my glucose levels to at will switch to bionic man vision - with X Ray capability ... How do I do that ?

Just kidding . Thanks guys !

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I'm glad we could put your mind to rest, you must have been so worried.
Feel free ask question, we have some very knowledgeable people on here.
I've been waiting 45 years for that to happen - still waiting LOL

What they all said - and then for God's sake - get your eyes re-tested, 6 years is FAR too long and if the prescription in your old ones isn't what you now need - you risk making your eyesight worse in the long run. As in any case eyesight declines as we get older (I mean from teens onwards!! - not just for OAPs !) - don't risk it. I normally only have tiny changes year on year (cos I have them tested every 12 months, it's free for diabetics!) so I only replace my specs every 2 years normally - and Asda do about the cheapest frames round here.
I was diagnosed over a year ago, Sean, and I'm still having similar problems to you re eyesight. My type 2 is poorly controlled, though, by my own admission ....
Thanks for the comments !

Lin and Mike - I hope you are right about what you say. With time the usual regular vision stabilizes and comes back! Bought three pair of different strength reading specs from the pound shop today.

I could sneak in a few carbs and do the whole no carb thing more slowly .. but no ! I am going cold turkey and learning as I go along. Enjoying it ? - not really I have to plan far more as you can imagine and I am getting fed up of eggs ! I am looking for foods that can fill me up bit like potatoes and rice and pasta ! no such thing probably ? Maybe just eat more often / bigger portions ? I try to eat sensibly, plenty of leafy greens, fish, nuts, bit of cheese, full fat yogurt bacon.. eggs, black pudding , avocado, beef etc Fortunately I was never a big sweet tooth so I have so far managed to resist the temptation to dive into a chocolate bar / cake etc

Any one got any food tips ( LCHF ) ? are there ANY cereals out there OK ?.... no ? all got sugar in them ?
How do I stop loosing weight I am already 1/2 stone under I look ok just a tad skinny. So far my weight doesn't seem to be dropping... (maybe that takes time though ?- ooeerr ! )........I want to bulk up a bit - well at least not get thinner ha ha.

I still haven't seen my dietician yet so anyone got tips about good fats / bad fats and how to avoid cholesterol ? after all I am on a LCHF diet so ?
I understand avocados help reduce cholesterol as does green tea. Walnuts are a good fat... but cheese ? bad ?

Fruits ? so far I"ve been OK I think with strawberries and raspberries a little bit of banana. I know everyone is different - but any ideas here - how are Oranges ? ... bit of green apple seems to spike me! Grrrr !!

Coconut milk ? any good or is that worse than milk ?

Cheese seems ok for me.

I had some delicious haslet last night and was pleasantly surprised it didn't spike my sugars ! hurrah !,.... porridge this morning though made with 1/3 semi skimmed milk and 2/3 water topped with a few strawberries and a little bit of unripe-isa banana shot my sugars through the roof . Frustrated I walked / jogged all the way back from Camden to Piccadilly Circus ( I'd been shopping for diabetic supplies )

I probably need some good vitamins to help. Any recommendations anyone ?

Jenny- yes you are probably right about getting eyes checked more often. I promise you though my specs were just right -- the later ones (more recently prescribed ) were in my opinion over the top- bit too strong. I sometimes think opticians tend to do this - making one more reliant on specs etc but of course conversely its possible that "strain" on ones eyes can worsen the eyes hence the need for stronger specs - theoretically meant to help you etc )

Jen what have you been waiting for to happen after 45 years ? sorry I didn't get that ....

Hello Grovesey !

Inthemix - sorry to hear about your scenario. Hope you can get a better handle better on it - it must be annoying constantly having vision problems.


Hi Shoran. My Optometrist told me many years ago when I was in 40s that eyesight does deteriorate in the late 40s and that stronger glasses were required. When I was about 49 I noticed that I could not read anywhere near as well as I could a few years before ( I go for yearly eye tests as I prefer to have them tested as regularly as possible). If he had not told me that eyesight can deteriorate at that age to the point where stronger glasses are needed I would have panicked like mad.

In your case it could very well be that it is to do with the blood sugars coming down. The Optometrist at the Optician will be able to tell usually what is causing it.

I think if they said at Moorfields you needed new specs they may well be right. The Eye Hospital doctors are usually the best ones to talk to and should be able to tell if it is to do with diabetes. I can only speak for myself and I know I was having more problems reading in my late 40s compared to early 40s and needed stronger specs. I am pre diabetic at present not diabetic yet. In my 40s I was fine.
Hello Maz,

Yes you may be right - however the the worsening of my vision happened so rapidly - literally over three days and it's remained rubbish since. So I am hoping it's more to do with my sudden cold turkey ( no carbs )- if you see what Lin and Mike said earlier .....

I am aware that eyes can and often deteriorate with age, mine did after I got to about 40 and I understand slowly they could get worse over time etc, however in this instance I dot think this is the case as the change was verso quick after my DX so..... hence the very puzzled me posting in this forum for answers. It could well be a combination of the two, me going cold turkey and the age thing etc. Time will tell !

Thanks for your input,
45 years could either be how long I've waited for a cure or maybe to get X-ray vision? - though I've been waiting for that even longer LOL - I can't honestly recall what made me laugh and say that now!

Don't think the change was actually most likely - that sudden really. Bit like cataracts - they creep up on you and the changes are so gradual you're not all THAT aware they're happening until wham, one day/night you suddenly become aware it's an awful strain driving in dusk and notice headlights and traffic lights at night are all blurry (like when the windscreen's covered in rain) and dazzling you and Oh sheet! - you can't see where the side of the road ends and the pavement starts. And only 6 months since you changed your glasses. So you sort out getting it done, in time come up to the top of the waiting list and get one done - but can't wear your old glasses after cos you can feel the old lens in what's now your good eye pulling the eye and it feels completely wrong and because your focal lengths are now different in each eye, the specs are no good for the other one either - because all glasses (providing you have sight in both eyes) - are prescribed for binocular, not monocular, vision.

So to begin with I thought Oh bugger - I won't be able to see to do anything till I get signed off from the hospital and shoot back to the optician - and then went and looked through the window at the trees down the bottom of the garden (bloody cupressus leylandii - hate em) and Good God!! - without glasses - I can see virtually every wrinkle on every frond on the blasted things. Like I wanted to see that? - pfft. That was my original problem - I was SO long sighted eventually my eyes refused to focus on anything close - which is a bit of a prob working in an office LOL Haven't been able to see as far as that, as clearly as that, for about 50 years! The uncorrected eye had adjusted itself to the sight in the one with the replacement lens. Still couldn't read well at all till I got my new glasses and felt naked in the meantime - but how lovely having that brill long sight again for a few weeks! I said to Pete I feel like I could drive like this now, except as I couldn't read passing road signs, I think I hadn't better, LOL (Didn't you see that Stop sign madam? Oooh yes Ociffer, I saw it very well indeed. I wondered at the time, what it said!)

Making a sudden improvement in BG can make our eyes change for the worse - quite a number of us have had retinopathy worsening after improving it - but it was a temporary glitch and next time they decided to take a snap of our retinas - the changes had disappeared again, cos we'd kept our BGs at the new lower level. I can't tell you however how long it takes, since it was the normal 12 months interval between having mind done - so can't say when the changes may have disappeared - a week ago or 11 months.

It's still very early days for you and your eyes - and you really do have to give them more of a chance.
(cos I have them tested every 12 months, it's free for diabetics!)
I didn't know that!

Bought three pair of different strength reading specs from the pound shop today.
Pound Shop can't tell you if you've got Glaucoma though.

My eyes are always blurry in the morning. I hates it. :(
Jen - The change was that sudden - really !!...it came about as soon as I started my new diet. So like you say it's early days. The optician at the hospital couldn't find anything wrong with my eyes i.e. nerve damage etc. So I assume it's the glucose levels altering my eye lens shape etc I'll give it another couple of weeks then I'll see an optician and see what's what.

Trophy - ha ha , yes of course - pound shops can't spot Glaucoma, I don't think this is the case though ( I hope ) my optician last time he checked looked for signs of glaucoma and at the recent hospital visit the 'specialist's said nowt.

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