Eye surgery

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I'm having laser eye surgery due to diabetic retinopathy on Monday, been told it will take about 40 minutes.

I'm a little nervous, think it's the idea of having my eyes forced open etc whilst it all happens and being awake.

Was wondering if anyone here has had it done, any tips, advice, experiences, or what to expect?

Thank you.
My sisters have had laser eye surgery for cataracts, they're both Type 2. They were fine with it. I do hate having ops on my eyes when I am awake. I have the screaming habdabs but I'm sure you're not a wimp like me. You'll be okay I'm sure.
My mum had that done several years ago. She said it was a bit uncomfortable but nowhere near as unpleasant or scary as she was expecting.
I haven't had that but I've recently finished a course of EYEBALL INJECTIONS which were actually a bit of a nothing-much in the end so my guess is that laser surgery will turn out to be not such a big deal either.
Hi @jj10125

Sorry you're having to deal with retinopathy and laser.

I’ve had maximum laser in both eyes. From my experience laser is less frightening in reality rather than imaging & worrying what it might be like in your head.

You’ll have numbing anaesthetic drops as well as dilation drops before any laser is done so you don’t feel as if your eyes are being forced open. A lens is put against your eye to keep it open and allow good sight into your eye for the laser, you feel just a bit of pressure on your eye. Your chin & forehead are in a slit lamp table rest to hold your head still and you see a stream of bright laser flashes and a clicking sound as the laser is directed at specific areas to seal off abnormal vessel growth on the retina.

It shouldn’t be painful but it can be uncomfortable in certain areas but if you find that ask them to move to a different area. There’s a maximum number of burns that can be applied in any one session to avoid inflammation so you may need more than one session.

Afterwards my eyes felt gritty, sore & light sensitive for a few days and my sight was blurry but that did settle down. Take sunglasses even on a cloudy day.

Wishing you all the best with it.
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