Eye screening

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Off for my annual eye screening this morning and yesterday's brilliant sunshine has been replaced by grey cloud to accommodate.
Hopefully my vision won't be blurry for too long as I have baking to do later.
Hope the screening and the baking go well and results are perfect.
@Martin62 I love your reasoning.
Who cares about work chores or taxiing or shopping?


(Maybe I am biased as I baked a focaccia and some pittas to fill my freezer "bread drawer" yesterday.)
Hehe! Those crazy eyes used to really unnerve workmates when I used to work regularly in an office.

Hope your results come through speedily, and offer you reassurance. 🙂
Wow! I can't believe you have the results so quickly and not only that but the photos too!!

Love that it says your right and left eye are both present. Always reassuring!
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