Eye screening

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Dear All,

Wonder if anyone has heard this. Had my eye screening last week (letter received -all ok) the over chatty technion mentioned there is a move to have these screenings every two years for those at low risk.
I hadn't received an appointment and the diabetic nurse said to ring the screening service and the said there were no symptoms and a normal result then it would be two years. But then this year I have an appointment that is only one year, due on Monday so who knows, it may depend on where you live.
Dear All,

Wonder if anyone has heard this. Had my eye screening last week (letter received -all ok) the over chatty technion mentioned there is a move to have these screenings every two years for those at low risk.
There has been talk of it for a few years, other than during Covid, it has not happened to me yet!
I hadn't received an appointment and the diabetic nurse said to ring the screening service and the said there were no symptoms and a normal result then it would be two years. But then this year I have an appointment that is only one year, due on Monday so who knows, it may depend on where you live.
Definitely been mentioned before, I went for an ordinary eye test a few years ago, having been used to a free eye test every year, and the optician said I could now only have one every two years, because they’d been weighing up whether to move the retinal screenings to every two years, but had decided to keep them as annual, but make the ordinary eye test every two years (unless your prescription has changed, in which case you can have one when you need one)
Hi there has anyone had injections in the eyes due to maculopathy? Can these cure this?
Any information appreciated
Definitely been mentioned before, I went for an ordinary eye test a few years ago, having been used to a free eye test every year, and the optician said I could now only have one every two years, because they’d been weighing up whether to move the retinal screenings to every two years, but had decided to keep them as annual, but make the ordinary eye test every two years (unless your prescription has changed, in which case you can have one when you need one)
The normal eye test can be every 1 year if your optician reccomends that for any reason, and your prescription doesn’t need to have changed. Several years ago now I went from never needing glasses to needing them full time and was put on an annual recall with specsavers, nhs funded. The last 2 years my prescription has been absolutely unchanged but they’ve left it as an annual test to make sure things have settled down. This week as it’s been a few years since the last change they changed it back to 2 year recall
Thank you. I'm new here. My adult son had news today regarding injections . I'm a worried Mum so thought I'd join the forum
I was told at my first (and only one) that it would be 2 years if no issues found and 1 year if there was anything of note there. The results letter said I would be seen in a year due to background retinopathy which is now overdue 🙄
Thank you. I'm new here. My adult son had news today regarding injections . I'm a worried Mum so thought I'd join the forum
Welcome! Obviously I don't know anything about yr son's circumstances, but generally these eyeball injections seem to work really well - they have for me - and the procedure itself isn't a big deal.

If you like, you could post a new thread in the "Newbies say hello here!" section if you have more questions or just to get some feedback about things.
I hadn't received an appointment and the diabetic nurse said to ring the screening service and the said there were no symptoms and a normal result then it would be two years. But then this year I have an appointment that is only one year, due on Monday so who knows, it may depend on where you live.
I still get an annual Diabetic review. There has been a bit of a drift after Covid but I tend to phone up when my appointment is due, and I am in a position to accept a cancellation if that becomes available so have managed to get annual checks throughout.

I am entitled to free eye tests and a while ago they gave me the option of going to two yearly checks, but I said that I would prefer to stick to annual checks, and was told that that was fine.
Hi there has anyone had injections in the eyes due to maculopathy? Can these cure this?
Any information appreciated
some people get a few I injections and everything is sorted,

however for me
I’ve been receiving injections in occasionally either
and often both of my eyes every few months
over the last I think it’s 6 years now.

this is due to previously for to many years not getting my sugars under good control, and missing annual retinal screening check ups.

im currently unsure of the name of the medication they are now using for my conditio,
but previously they tried another two different medications,

whilst for me the injections might not have yet put right everything from the damage that is there
In my eyes,

I am most grateful and listen to the consultants who reassure me had I not started on
the treatment when I did,
most likely my vision would most certainly have deteriorated beyond the point it has already,

currently I’m on as I say the 3rd medication they have tried and I’m having monthly injections in both eyes
to I think try and finally sort things out.

@sandyb65 Hope your son responds well to his treatmen.
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