Eye screening call back

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Big Mac

New Member
hi all, has any one received a letter being called back for another eye screening so a consultant can review? Any info would be helpful as really confused as letter gives some horrible reasons but not the reason why!
It's hard to give any info without knowing more about what the letter actually says. I'm sure the consultant will explain it all when you see him/her though.
hi all, has any one received a letter being called back for another eye screening so a consultant can review? Any info would be helpful as really confused as letter gives some horrible reasons but not the reason why!
Could be that they think they might have seen something but need to have the better quality pictures taken to clarify things - this has been happening to me, and they explained that the equipment they use at the hospital gives much more information than the usual retinopathy scan. Hope it turms out to be something and nothing! 🙂
Thank you for replying massive relief and very glad I signed up to this! I am being called back to have another eye screen at the same place ( local doctors) which then sates a consultant or consultants aid will review I did have some bleeding at the back of my eyes in October but at the time was told nothing to worry about and it would go away possibly as long as I keep good control but now this letter has thrown me a bit clinic in July all positive just a bit thrown
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