Eye Screening Appt and new injection

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Just got my diabetetic eye screening appt through touch wood should be okay not till May time so hoping a tad warmer.

Such a shame about the Lantus but something new on the injection front has come out and the person helping me is reading up on it, it has been approved for NHS and hoping to go onto it as long as no clashes with my meds. will get the name once i find out more info after the 15th April appt

For now all the best.

Hopefully whatever they offer next won’t have any possible interactions with your other meds.

Have you been offered Toujeo or Degludec? Would a biosimilar glargine like Absalgar have the same interaction concern as branded Lantus?
Type 1 NHS only doing eye screening every 2 years now apparently you have to get eyes checked at Specsavers Anyone else had this information
Type 1 NHS only doing eye screening every 2 years now apparently you have to get eyes checked at Specsavers Anyone else had this information
I link it depends on where you live, I'm Type 2 but still get annual eye screening, I was surprised that they are using a local ASDA this time rather than the health centre they have used for several years.
I am still getting annual retinal screening but I believe nice guidelines have changed recently and suggest that if you have had the all clear in the past few years, then you can go on to 2 yearly screening. However if you have had a background retinopathy or anything more serious, then you will continue to get yearly checks. I think I had a background retinopathy result 2 or 3 years ago but the last couple of years have been all clear, so that maybe why I am still getting annual checks. I do not think that you need to get retinal checks at Specsavers or anywhere else if you are on 2 yearly checks, but you have that option if you feel you want them checked between NHS appointments. I am quite sure the data has been looked at and suggests the majority of people who have the all clear for a few years don't suddenly develop serious issues, so there is very minimal risk in reducing the screening of those people to every other year.
I would be quite happy to get tested every other year. One less appointment and a day with blurry, sensitive eyes.
I think if someone has a history of retinopathy then they will be more closely monitored and perhaps the reduced monitoring of people at low risk opens up more appointments for those people who are at risk.
I've had annual checks the last 3 years but am now told that they will be every two years. I don't know if this is general to my area, or the fact I've had 3 clear checks in a row
told screening 2 years then changed to every 1 year. i go to local hospital okay there and not too busy either, you watch it be packed out :D not sure about injections till Monday as having big problems with what is available in area.
Two years is too long unless they allow people to self refer. Things can change very rapidly in the event of a period of bad control brought on by serious illness, medication issues, mental health issues, etc. A retired Opthalmologist told me about nine months was the optimum after seeing people who missed appointments develop quite severe issues if they missed for eighteen months to two years. Like the poor treatment of PAD in this country short term savings cost more down the line. There's a total lack of joined up thinking and DUK should oppose this!
Two years is too long unless they allow people to self refer. Things can change very rapidly in the event of a period of bad control brought on by serious illness, medication issues, mental health issues, etc. A retired Opthalmologist told me about nine months was the optimum after seeing people who missed appointments develop quite severe issues if they missed for eighteen months to two years. Like the poor treatment of PAD in this country short term savings cost more down the line. There's a total lack of joined up thinking and DUK should oppose this!
Diabetes UK supports the change to every 2 years as it’s shown to be safe, article here

Diabetes UK supports the change to every 2 years as it’s shown to be safe, article here

I will opt to go along with a top consultant who sadly had to retire after a stroke. His only risk factor was job related stress.
It’s changed yes so that now it’s either every 1 or 2 years depending on your previous results https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/diabetic-eye-screening/
Hmm I wonder if that means they will keep me on annual as officially I'm reported as mild background retinopathy, although at my second screening the ophthalmologist told me she was fairly sure it's actually a freckle on my retina as absolutely no change from the previous year. But said as she can see something she has to report it as retinopathy
Just a thought. If you don't get an annual check could an optician just check for you even if they are not on the diabetes register. My optician (I am pre-diabetic, normal, now gone back up slightly again) is not on the register but has the ability and knowledge to check if there is anything diabetes related in the eyes. I am not sure whether if you are diabetic if the eye checks are free but, if an optician is not on the register, I suppose he or she would charge.
sorry made a bit of a boob the stuff i thought i was going on to wasn't the correct stuff as aimed for t2 had an appt yesterday and waiting for the correct stuff to go on will update in due course as i couldn't even pronounce the name never mind spelling it. am on some med to cover me for the time been but only downer it causes me to spew out high levels of glucose through my bladder which is okay but not okay when i have a catheter in situ.

By the way only contracted Covid this one is a new bacteria which seems to be emerging it seems to give a very bad salty taste along with bad runs worrying started bruising. docs have ordered blood works to be done. i am on treatment and do feel better than last week.

Sorry if things are a bit jumble on epilepsy meds and it does cause dyslexia type issues.
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