Eye Problems

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Everyone will be getting tired of my never ending questions! Along with my painful legs and arms, my eyes are playing up a little too. It's a strange feeling to describe. I visited my optician who had a real good look at my eyes he said the only thing he could see was slight "spots" at the backs of my eyes caused by diabetes and that it wasn't anything worry about. I'm going in today to have photos taken to check the pulses and things as still not 100% sure!

I wear glasses for distance but was told by the optician to wear them all the time now to give my eyes a rest and that I also need new glasses so this may be playing a part on my sight.

My distance eyesight is blurring without my glasses on but not with them on or for anything close up.

The doctors again said this was related to my counts being so high for so many years and now bringing them down - has anyone experienced this and do you know if it is a passing thing or something I will be stuck with?


When I was diagnosed I had real trouble with my eyesight. Before, I wore glasses for reading very small print only, but found whilst in hospital that I couldn't even read normal print with them. I had to buy a magnifying glass after being discharged so I could read the carb and fat amounts on packaging!

They told me that it was due to my sugars being so high (it was 37 when diagnosed, with hba1c of 11.8), and that as they got more under control might previous sight ability would return. It did, after about 4-5 weeks. Hopefully, it will be the same for you once you get mastery of your control🙂
Well I'm now slightly worried as the optician when I went said I had slight heamoraging in the back of my eye but "nothing to worry about" reading up on things I'm starting to think this is the first sins of retinopathy....I'm going to my opticians again tonight to get photos taken.
It is good you are getting your eyes re checked. My dad had some slight bleeding at the back of one of his eyes, but it sorted itself out and he is OK now, he still manages to drive.

The blurred vision, mine is blurry when my sugsras are too hig (mainly over 8.5) but when I am between 6 and 8 my eyes are OK and I even manage to use the computer without glasses sometimes too.
I'm hoping that's what it is but I'm also scared to leave it incase it gets worse and I lose my sight partially or fully.

My counts are always above 8 as I've mistreated it for so many years and in the process of "re-starting".

I'm petrified I've done myself serious damage over the years and scared I'm going to fall into a despression about the whole thing.
Niki, Calm down and don't panic.(Hard I know)
The reason your eyes are funny/blurred is due to your high numbers. There is pressure build up due to your high blood sugars.
This is why the Dr wants you to bring your numbers down slowly. Too quick and you could do more damage.
Do not have new glasses until your blood sugars are stable and have been for a while.
Otherwise it is a complete waste of money as you wont be able to see out of them.
I'm just SO worried about it and I'm not sure how he can say heamoraging (spelling?) behid my eye is nothing to worry about! My counts today have been around 7 which I'm thinking is maybe too much of a drop. I can't seem to win. :( :(
I'm just SO worried about it and I'm not sure how he can say heamoraging (spelling?) behid my eye is nothing to worry about! My counts today have been around 7 which I'm thinking is maybe too much of a drop. I can't seem to win. :( :(

7 is just fine do not worry. many people have heamorages behind eyes for no reason. It is sometimes called a leakage which doesn't sound so scarey.
Have a look at Jens post perhaps you can be diabetes buddies and help each other out in your journey to control and good health.
I was told my specialist that 7 is maybe a bit of drastic low coming down from being so high....will wait and see what my hba1c and go from there I think.

Just back from opticians who showed me pictures of backs of my eyes....there is slight blood spots but he assured me absoloutely nothing to worry about...he should me photos of other peoples who were much bigger and they were still nothing to worry about. So I'm relieved....just more reason to be keeping control of things.

Still have very painful eyes though which he couldn't really explain other than maybe drastic change in fluids?
Really excellent news about your eyes Nikki, one less thing to worry about now you're taking control!🙂 Hope the pain reduces soon.
I wasted a lot of money by getting three new pairs of specs, finding I was diabetic, getting bs lower and steady and finding my previous specs were about right. Optician wouldn't represcribe until bs were stabilised. All is great now and report from digital piccies said nothing to be concerned about.

Your news sounds very encouraging; when you have a stable reading for a couple of months then have your spectacle prescription checked.
Quite a few of us here have sight probs which are more age related than diabetes.

About 5 years ago I had a slight heamorage at the back of one eye which cleared up with no problems and has not come back.
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