Eye problems

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
About 2-3 weeks ago I developed a problem with the vision in 1 eye, it was all blurry and difficult to see anything clearly. Luckily my appointment at the eye clinic was due so I decided to wait until then to find out what was wrong. Although it is not retinopathy or my cataracts there appears to be a problem. The blood vessels at the back of the retina are blocked, apparently this is common in older people, and nothing much can be done, either they will clear on their own, stay the same or even get worse.
Has anybody else had this problem? and if so, what happened?
About 2-3 weeks ago I developed a problem with the vision in 1 eye, it was all blurry and difficult to see anything clearly. Luckily my appointment at the eye clinic was due so I decided to wait until then to find out what was wrong. Although it is not retinopathy or my cataracts there appears to be a problem. The blood vessels at the back of the retina are blocked, apparently this is common in older people, and nothing much can be done, either they will clear on their own, stay the same or even get worse.
Has anybody else had this problem? and if so, what happened?

Dear Janey,

I can't say I have suffered from this problem (I too am an older person - 69), but who was it that said nothing much can be done? There is a lot of evidence that high blood sugars can cause eye problems - what was you last HbA1c? Please don't take anything I say as medical advice and BTW who made the statement (tautology) "either they will clear on their own, stay the same or even get worse"

Warmest Regards Dodger
It is always wirth getting a second opinion. My dad had similar problems with his eye and the optician he normal attends was away so he saw someone else. because he was not happy with the opinion he went to the doctors and back to his regular optician who organised treatment. I know treatment is not possible for everything, but it is always wrth a second opinion.
Janey - did the eye clinic person give any indication how they were going to monitor your eyes? "Watchful waiting", with timely treatment if / when appropriate is a perfectly valid method of approaching some health issues, so that might be what's happening here, although the epxlanation doesn't seem very clear.
Thanks all, I have to go back in a month to see if there are any changes, meantime I've had several blood tests the results of which will be available then. If sugar or cholesterol is too high that might be the cause, I'll just have to wait and see. Hopefully it will go. Thanks again.
Glad to hear you will be going up - just the minor challenge of keeping sane until then! Hope it all works out OK in the end. Please let us know what happens.
About 2-3 weeks ago I developed a problem with the vision in 1 eye, it was all blurry and difficult to see anything clearly. Luckily my appointment at the eye clinic was due so I decided to wait until then to find out what was wrong. Although it is not retinopathy or my cataracts there appears to be a problem. The blood vessels at the back of the retina are blocked, apparently this is common in older people, and nothing much can be done, either they will clear on their own, stay the same or even get worse.
Has anybody else had this problem? and if so, what happened?

Hi Janey

I had a similar problem start about 10 weeks ago. I was told that it is a retinal vein occlusion i.e. that a vein in my eye is blocked so that blood cannot get back out of the eye and I am only 40.......I was told that there is a good chance of the vision returning to normal but this has not happened yet i.e. one eye sees things a lot smaller than the other eye, particularly when I am reading. I feel that there is some improvement but it is certainly not normal yet and I need software to help me read things on screen. I have had it confirmed that there is no conventional treatment for the blocked vein which has also caused a number of haemorrages. It was very scary at the beginning when I realised that I couldn't see things properly but the brain has started to adapt so that the other eye starts to get stronger. I very much hope that your eye improves, please keep in touch to let us know how you are getting on.
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