Eye hospital appointment


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Good evening people, I went for an eye appointment a local hospital today, where my eyes were tested as in an optician clinic. I had eye drops in both eyes. Fifteen minutes later I had an eye scan on both eyes. Afterwards, I was told the results would follow in three weeks' time. After about nine to ten weeks of fluctuating BG levels, would there be anything too much to worry about? Or should I not worry too much. Thankfully my BG is now under control. I would be grateful anyone could reassure me please. It feels like I'm entering the unknown.
Thank you.
Good evening people, I went for an eye appointment a local hospital today, where my eyes were tested as in an optician clinic. I had eye drops in both eyes. Fifteen minutes later I had an eye scan on both eyes. Afterwards, I was told the results would follow in three weeks' time. After about nine to ten weeks of fluctuating BG levels, would there be anything too much to worry about? Or should I not worry too much. Thankfully my BG is now under control. I would be grateful anyone could reassure me please. It feels like I'm entering the unknown.
Thank you.
This is very routine to check for any signs of retinopathy and it is a good thing if they pick up anything as then action can be taken if needed. Sometimes they will report 'background retinopathy' no action needed. You would then get tested again in 1 year and often it will then be saying all clear.
The letter often sound scary the way they phrase it but usually nothing to worry about.
This is very routine to check for any signs of retinopathy and it is a good thing if they pick up anything as then action can be taken if needed. Sometimes they will report 'background retinopathy' no action needed. You would then get tested again in 1 year and often it will then be saying all clear.
The letter often sound scary the way they phrase it but usually nothing to worry about.
Thanks for that, I am very grateful to you.
Hi BD,
Hope you are well and can’t remember if this is your first diabetic eye check since being diagnosed but as LL says it is routine and no need to get concerned.
Certainly do not worry about fluctuating BG levels which everyone has during the stabilisation period.
In fact the clinical need is to bring your levels down gradually in a timely manner to get glycemic control in order to prevent retinal damage rather than try and bring your BG levels down too quickly.
The fact that you have better control is to your credit and please do not worry about the routine eye check.
In fact I have mine on Monday as my first anniversary of being diagnosed is due and hence my 12 month check but best wishes.
This was my first eye check , so that was why I was anxious, but now I feel much more reassured, now you have replied
Thank you so much Wendal, I am very grateful to you. I hope your eye appointment goes well too.