Eye Floater

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Hi all.

I only found out a few weeks ago that I am just on the threshold of T2. I've also had a floater in my eye for several months now (I've had loads before but this one has stuck around). Coincidentally the day after my doctor appointment, I had a routine eye test at Specsavers (including the OCT scan) and mentioned the floater.

The optician had a really good look and said it was just a floater but everything else looked fine, and the OCT scan all looked good and healthy.

I've since been reading about diabetic retinopathy and made myself sick with worry. Do I need to get onto my GP about getting the floater looked at again? Or will the OCT scan and eye exam have picked it up?

Thank you for reading. I have found the last few weeks very overwhelming and am over analyzing every little thing.
Hi all.

I only found out a few weeks ago that I am just on the threshold of T2. I've also had a floater in my eye for several months now (I've had loads before but this one has stuck around). Coincidentally the day after my doctor appointment, I had a routine eye test at Specsavers (including the OCT scan) and mentioned the floater.

The optician had a really good look and said it was just a floater but everything else looked fine, and the OCT scan all looked good and healthy.

I've since been reading about diabetic retinopathy and made myself sick with worry. Do I need to get onto my GP about getting the floater looked at again? Or will the OCT scan and eye exam have picked it up?

Thank you for reading. I have found the last few weeks very overwhelming and am over analyzing every little thing.
A recent thread here about them.
Thanks Leadinglights - I did have a read through that one, I guess I just wanted to double check that an OCT scan would have picked anything up if there was anything?
When I first had them, i went to the optician who looked and decided that there was nothing sinister going on. They then handed me a leaflet headed .... Floaters and Flashes... from a pile they had to hand.

Floaters and flashes (sometimes I get bright coloured lights in my peripheral vision when out in the dark) are common enough for the optician to warrant keeping a pile of reassuring leaflets although these days you would probably be given a web link. The bottom line is that once an optician has eliminated anything sinister as an underlying cause, you (and a heck of a lot of others) just have to live with them, because they do no harm and there is no treatment.
Don't worry too much, quite common especially as we get older, I had eye problems many years ago before diabetes was even on the scene due to stress and body autoimmune attack, all stable now but after a while they in many cases they will appear to go away as the brain learns to ignore them and they are not processed as a visual object. If it gets significantly bad in the future there is a fix.
Thanks all very much for your reassuring responses. Genuinely the floater doesn't bother me, most of the time I don't notice it and I haven't had any other vision issues e.g. flashes or anything.

It's more the T2 diagnosis has sent me spiraling a little.
Optometrists at my many post cataract op appointments (I lost count, I may sometime do a ranty post on how cataract removal is not always quick, easy, low-risk, painless etc etc) always inspected floaters very carefully, but the only type I was told to take really seriously (go to eye hospital or A&E asap) was if it "came down like a curtain".
As someone who has spent many, many hours in ophthalmology having investigations for lights and floaters, if a professional has checked your eyes and said there's nothing to worry about, then there's nothing to worry about 🙂

The time to worry with 'floaters' is if there is a sudden influx and they start to rain down in your vision, or as mentioned above, like a curtain closing (retinal detachment). Flashing lights or 'bursts' or 'pops' of light is often vitreous detachment. Not as serious but still needs to be checked out. Any eye pain should be checked out immediately as that could be all sorts of things.

Floaters are a nuisance but they are generally just that................a nuisance.
It's more the T2 diagnosis has sent me spiraling a little
There is plenty of support and experience to tap into on here. Just start a new thread with any questions that you have. It is a lot to take in at the start, and it is good to get info from others who are managing their condition day to day.
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