Eye examination

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Terry Smith

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just had a second retinal scan taken today and previous one last month. In the past I have had dilating drops.
Is there a reason for not dilating (new technique, covid)?

I have had diabetes for 58 years, but this is the first time I have had two scans within a month, therefore feeling a concerned.
Did you have them at different locations? I still had the drops for mine 2 weeks ago and l also had the drops last year too! So you can't blame Covid.
I've been having annual checks for glaucoma for a decade and a fortnight ago, for the first time, I had no drops. The Consultant said his new equipment removed the need for extra dilation.
I have always had the dilating drops at my local hospital, so I'm not sure why I have not had the drops on my last two visits
I found that the retina scanner team are now more open to going "natural" with no drops if they think your pupils are dilated enough.
I don't believe this is a Covid thing. Just a comfort thing.
Nobody's yet even offered me the choice. Originally before they invented retinal photography, or since.
After becoming ill after the drops one year (extreme dizziness, photophobia and spells of vertigo lasting3 or 4 days) I was told that they could test without the drops - for some people a darkened room would be sufficient. Anyway, when I went for my screening last year I said I didn't want the drops and was given very short shrift indeed. I explained the situation and also that I had been told I did not need them and they said everybody has to have the drops in case their eyes don't dilate sufficiently and it causes a backlog of patients. I stood my ground and the chap opened a locked cupboard and pulled out a different drop. He said that there are different drops that people can ask for that have few of the side effects of others. When I questioned why they aren't used more often he simply said 'cost'.
Interesting observation @Terry Smith

I’ve still always had drops each time for the ‘real’ retinal screening appointments. Though I’ve not had drops for the photos Specsavers sometimes snap.
Always had dilating drops where pupils look like saucers afterwards, odd time had to have them in twice if not dilated enough for examination.
I’ve not had drops at any retinopathy screening appointment so far.

I’m off somewhere new for a screening today so let’s see if that changes.
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