Eye digipics results this morning

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Had a surprise letter from the diabetic clinic today:

"Eyes showing no 'diabetic complications' - see you next year. If any concerns, contact us"

Fantastic service. Great start to next year.
Didn't expect anything from the first pics. Thought these would just be a datum for future ones.🙂🙂
Hi John,

I wish the news had been the same for me when I got my retina scan results back in August. Sadly I seem to be exhibiting early signs of diabetic change. But then again I've been type on since I was five and I suppose that this sort of thing would happen now I'm eighteen and thirteen years down the line from diagnosis.

Anyhow, that's great news for you.

Tom H
Hi John
Wonderful news re on diabetic changes in the eyes. I have to go on Jan 9th, I hope that my results will be good. I do think that we are getting good care re our diabetes. Well from my experience this is my opinion! It's great to get the results you were given, keep looking after yourself!!! Take care.🙂
Great news about your eye results: it's nice to hear good news as we go into 2009. All the best,
Tom, don't worry too much about the early signs of change. It's great that they screen us so often and spot things in the early stages. I've had 3 treatments with the laser, the last was around 8 months ago, and I've had no issues with my eyes since. As long as you keep the sugars under control I'm sure things will be fine.
It is always great to hear such good news, especially after the excitement of Christmas is over.

Although it is not good to hear there have been changes, on the good side, we get our eyes checked regularly, so any change is spotten early, and treatment if it is needed has a better chance of working.😎
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