Eye appt went ok

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone, thanks so much for all your support over the last few weeks when I've been so scared about my eyes. Went to appt on Tue and had the drops and then a pressure test. A little while later I saw the consultant who had a good look in my eyes and took my general medical history (that took a while!). She said I definitely needed treatment to my left eye or I was going to end up with a big blank hole in my vision. Then she said that she had a cancellation an hour later and if I wanted to go back then, I could get it done that day!

I jumped at the chance - I hate waiting and worrying and always prefer to just get it done if possible.

The lasering was totally pain free, the worst bit for me was when they put a special lens in your eye but that's only because I'm twitchy about eyes!

It was all over in about 10 minutes and I could go home. Went back to my mum and dads rather than back to an empty house (needed tea and sympathy!) and apart from the expected blurred vison and a sore eye for about 2 hours I had no problem at all!

Can't believe it's over!! Have to go back in 4 months for a review.

Thanks again everyone, you've been great!

hey flutter great to hear it was sorted and very quickly , i can understadn not wanting to go back home to your place , id of been the same , i hope the 4 mnth review goes well hun xx
Oh Karen, that must be such a relief for you, and brilliant that you could get it over and done with so quickly! Fantastic! Give yourself a big treat for being so brave - I know I would feel exactly like you have!🙂
I hate waiting too - thats great that they have sorted you out so quickly - bet its a relief for you - go and treat yourself!
How fantastic to get it all done and dusted on the same day.

Glad it all went well for you.

That's great, and what a relief for you.
Yes a massive relief. I can look forward to my swine flu jab now with a clear mind LOL!! There's always something isn't there? Going out to the local Wetherspoons for tea tonight, cheap and cheerful - might even splash out on a tomato juice to celebrate!!!
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