Eye appt fiasco getting me down

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello...sorry to disappear for months & then come on with a moan, but I'm getting really stressed... My stupid eye had a really bad bleed in jan & has been more or less bleeding since, despite various laser sessions. I really hoped baby's arrival in march would mean the eye improved, but no, still bleeding...

So I now have yet another laser session in a couple of weeks, but because hubby's away with work, and I have no-one else who I can ask for help who drives or is not away at that time, or currently incapacitated themselves, I'm left trying to work out the logistics of how to get toddler into nursery, then myself & baby from our town to the nearest city, in time for the appt.... If I took a taxi it would cost over ?40, which I just can't afford whilst on maternity leave... I'm just really stressed trying to work out what buses I'll need to take (never mind how the hell I'll be able to see the timetables post drops & lasering) and how to juggle the logstics of nursery opening times vs a long long bus ride in time to get to the morning appt.... apparently there's no help available from the NHS because even if I did qualify for the ambulance car, you can't take children on it...good job kids of people with transport problems never get ill, eh? 🙄 I really wish I hadn't even asksed, as I felt really cheeky, but hubby insisted... :( Felt like a bit of a sponger...

So basically, all I can think to do is cancel the appt for now, which from past experience means the next appt I will get will be oct when the consultant specifically wanted to see me in 6 wks from the last apt... stress!!! (So much for the instruction to avoid stress & raised BP as it worsens bleeds...)
Guess I will just have to hope the bleeds ease up & I don't get a detached retina due to not having the treatment early enough!

Sorry, I just really needed to get that out of my system - I can't talk to friends about this at the mo as they all have serious problems of their own to deal with & don't need me adding to their plate! (Not that you guys do either, I guess...) Maybe if I can get some sleep tonight things will look better & I'll find a solution in the morning... fingers crossed. Sorry to be miserable again...
Oh dear Twitchy, sounds like a nightmare.

This may sound stupid but is there a WRVS associated with the hospital? Do they sometimes have volunteer drivers? I am sure I have seen requests for drivers with clean licences in the classified ads voluntary work section in the local paper.

Or, try phoning the consultant's department and speak to the secretary saying you are having real problems juggling everything. Either she will come up with something such as volunteers drivers or may be able to get you an earlier replacement appointment than October.

Wish I lived closer and I would try and drive you there myself!
There is a voluntary driver service attached to my local hospital and the appointments I've had there always quote the contact number to call if I want to arrange for transport. Which hospital is it? There could be a link from it's website that will point you in the right direction.
Not going is NOT an option! I found that when I had my broken leg that only one peson gave me lifts with any regularity. The CAB may also be able to help. It may take a bit of effort to get a volunteer driver but persevere. They tend to prioritise pensioners which is right but some of them have huge final salary pensions and can afford taxis easier than some of us!
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