Extreme tiredness

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I've been on 500mg of Metformin for a week now, diagnosed two weeks ago and today I'm so exhausted. I woke up feeling like this and despite a few hours pick up earlier, I'm flagging hugely. Is this common in the early days? Can the meds do this? Thanks.
Do you know what your glucose levels are @Hobster ?

High BG levels can cause crushing tiredness and fatigue. Do you have a BG meter to monitor progress at home? Or are you relying on 3 or 6 monthly updates from your GP?
Hi, thanks for the reply. I do have a BG meter and finger pricking at the moment. Waiting for a libre 2 to arrive to save my fingertips! My readings really do vary 5.5 to 8 or 9 (highest I've ever recorded 13.4) so yes, they have been high and didn't realise how much this has been affecting my energy.
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