Extra heart check for over-65s 'advisable'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A new blood pressure measuring device which can also detect a dangerous heart condition has been backed by the NHS watchdog.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence says GPs could use it routinely to spot more patients with atrial fibrillation (AF).

AF is an erratic and often fast heartbeat affecting 800,000 people in the UK and is a major cause of stroke.

The device NICE is recommending in England is called WatchBP Home A.

It looks like a normal blood pressure monitor, with an inflatable cuff that goes around the patient's arm.

At the same time as measuring blood pressure, it can check a patient's pulse.

Haha, my GP still uses a hand pump variety to do blood pressure.
Think they are sposed to be more reliably accurate than the digital ones, aren't they?
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