Extended Bolus on Omnipod Dash with a Chinese meal

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I only moved onto the Omnipod Dash on Tuesday, but later I'm having a Chinese takeaway meal. When I was on the insulin pens I would give insulin for around 180g carbs, but always went low afterwards and then high in the night. Now I'm on the Omnipod Dash I can use the Extended Bolus feature. What would others recommend, would you give 30% immediately and then the other 70% over the next 4 hours? Does that sound like a logical thing to do please? Many thanks for your help
That sounds like a reasonable start, it’s all trial and error I’m afraid so you’ll have to try something, see how it goes, and adjust next time if necessary. If you spike high try more up front next time for example.
Had Chinese takeaway last week & bolused 60% upfront & rest over 2 hours, usually if meal is high in fat also set a TBR for 5 hours which deals with any delayed increase in bg levels.

There's no one size fits all so if you didn't get it right this time @rnmuk then don't give up & try another ratio next time around.
Thank you for your replies.

I ended up doing 30% immediately and then the other 70% over the next 4 hours which actually worked very well. However, when giving the insulin immediately at least you know that after 4 hours you have no more Insulin On Board but with the delay of extending over 4 hours, means it is effectively up to 8 hours by the time you have no more Insulin On Board, so going low overnight is more of a worry!
Had Chinese takeaway last week & bolused 60% upfront & rest over 2 hours, usually if meal is high in fat also set a TBR for 5 hours which deals with any delayed increase in bg levels.

There's no one size fits all so if you didn't get it right this time @rnmuk then don't give up & try another ratio next time around.

That’s very similar to what I do, depending on what meal I’m having. I find a needs fair amount of insulin upfront. I also find that I often need a little more insulin than my estimated carb count would suggest.
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