Expert/Combo meter

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
How many are using the Roche Expert/Combo meter? Were you part of a trial or did you pay?
Hi Spiritfree,
We dont use this - but I wouldnt have thought you needed to pay.😱🙂Bev
do you mean the aviva combo meter that comes with the pump?

If you have the pump you should also have the meter as it is a set. Sorry if i have misunderstood.
I had it for a trial but I got to keep it.

My DSN said she found that it was giving slightly higher results than it should so now she has me on the Contour Link :(

I did like my Expert meter though, was really useful! Although now my pump does all the working out for me anyway...
Hi Sporit Free

I was given an Expert BG meter by my DSN at the end of December. I was initially offered it as part of the trial, and while that didn't come off I was given the handset free. I gather that they will usually expect people to pay for it.

I really like it and it's now providing pretty good bolus recommendations most of the time (even in quite tricky circumstances). There are one or two little niggles which make me think it's just 'good' rather than the 'great' it could have been... I've blogged about it (there's a link from another thread on the General board)
I've just got the handset for my Combo pump! Because I had the Combo as a replacement for an old Spirit pump under warranty, I was supposed to pay for it (?120) but after consultation etc I did have it supplied free (not sure if clinic or Roche paid)

I've only been using the handset since last Friday but with anything it's only going to be as good as the data it's given... And most software of this type will have it's limitations about it...

Must say the Combo handset is a lot better than Roche's pocket Compass software, that provided bolus wizarads etc, not only because it's all on the meter and you don't have to carry around a PDA and fiddle to get information..
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