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pink lady

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All
I recently joined a study called T2 Motivate it involves a program of exercise that you put together with the person who is running the study.
I have a watch which records my exercise sessions and also I have the program on my computer, which the the researcher can look at. I give feed back on the exercises I do and can change them if I don't like the ones I am doing.
Katie is my couch we have regular video consults to discuss how things are going.
I had a blood glucose test on Monday my results were good I had gone from 53 to 45.
I will keep up with this as it is working for me.
@pink lady that sounds like a brilliant service.
Great to read how much it is helping you.

I hope you don't mind my amusement at your typo:
Katie is my couch
I wonder if it was subconscious desire for a rest after all that exercise.
Or have you named your sofa in recognition of the great support your coach has provided? 😎
Sounds like a great programme @pink lady

How long does the programme last?

Is it something that’s provided locally to you?

Great to hear about the positive effects it has already had. Congratulations on the weight loss!
Hi everydayups anddowns
I received a letter from my GP asking me if I would like to join the trial it is based at Liverpool University.
The trial lasts twelve months in total, for six months you set a program of exercise with regular catch ups with the person who is coaching you in my case it is Katie.
The program of exercise stops after six months hopefully you will carry on with the exercises on your own.
Katie will get back in touch after twelve months I will do another blood test send it back.
We will be able to see if the exercise is keeping my blood sugars in control.
Hi everydayups anddowns
I received a letter from my GP asking me if I would like to join the trial it is based at Liverpool University.
The trial lasts twelve months in total, for six months you set a program of exercise with regular catch ups with the person who is coaching you in my case it is Katie.
The program of exercise stops after six months hopefully you will carry on with the exercises on your own.
Katie will get back in touch after twelve months I will do another blood test send it back.
We will be able to see if the exercise is keeping my blood sugars in control.

Sounds brilliant.
I was referred to an NHS rehabilitation gym with a physiotherapist for three months after my diagnosis.
It was excellent, it made a lot of difference to my BG, as well as my weright and fitness level, and I did keep it up afterwards, joining the local gym.
What a brilliant programmes. The idea that referral to physiotherapists or virtual coaches is better than just throwing drugs at the problem seems to be taking off. I have to say it has to be a good thing. Long term a little investment now will safe the HS a fortune later one. It also appears to be a much better result for the patient, if part of the answer is a refocused lifestyle then support early on will massively increase the chance of change.
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