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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just wondering how much exercise people with type 1 do? I used to go to the gym twice a week for about half an hour. Will be going again soon.
not a lot - but then i was this lazy before diagnosis too!! :D
Running is my exercise of choice, I tend to go out 4 times a week on average, usually 3-4miles each time during the week and up to 10 at weekends. I try to go to the gym as well but probably only manage that about once or a month.... probably not worth the membership!

I also have a 25 minute walk to and from work each day.
Im such a worrier - i worry when my blood gets high etc. i also worry that i don't exercise much and it's doing my body harm. so was just wondering what everyone else did 🙂 Im not over weight or anything - 9 stone and 5'6''. But I suppose exercise gives me more energy so I better get doing more of it.
Im such a worrier - i worry when my blood gets high etc. i also worry that i don't exercise much and it's doing my body harm. so was just wondering what everyone else did 🙂 Im not over weight or anything - 9 stone and 5'6''. But I suppose exercise gives me more energy so I better get doing more of it.

I've always been a runner, so it wasn't too difficult for me to get back into it after diagnosis - mainly because it's something I enjoy. You need to find a form of exercise you enjoy above all, and that is accessible so you can do it as often as you want, then it no longer feels like an effort or a hardship.

You sound like an ideal build for a runner!

Good luck!🙂
i do enjoy the gym as there are tv monitors on front of each machine so at least it's not boring 🙂 But it's still an effort to go. And then when I don't go I feel guilty!!!!
I haven't done any exercise this winter. I used to walk part of the way home from work but it is too cold at the moment. I can't afford the gym and I find gyms intimidating and boring. I have not yet found a form of exercise I enjoy. I think the government should invest in providing better exercise facilities instead of running stupid campaings like change4life.
I also find gyms intimidating. My only excercise is walking my dogs and i find that far more enjoyable. Is probably not enough though!
I've never even been inside a gymn. I shall perhaps try excercising one day.
I get out of bed in the morning. Does that count?:D
Joking apart I live and work on a farm. So have my fair share of exercise this way.
I'm type 2, and should exercise more. I do tai chi when I can, which is difficult in winter due to lack of indooe space.

I know physical activty affects my sugar levels. I had a very productive afternoon sorting out toys and getting tidied up and hoovering and without my pill (Iforogt it lunchtime) I was 6.7...
i do enjoy the gym as there are tv monitors on front of each machine so at least it's not boring 🙂 But it's still an effort to go. And then when I don't go I feel guilty!!!!

totally know what you mean about a lot of effort. thats why after diagnosis I cancelled my gym membership as I thought would be too fiddly etc what with all the bs testing etc.

So I immediatley bought a treadmill, cost about ?300, but much cheaper than gym membership! have in spare bedroom and have tv in there too. Its great can go on whenever without thinking, ooh too cold to go out, cant be bothered to drive to gym etc etc. Even if its just 10 minutes its so worth it.

I also have a gym ball and few weights so no excuses.

I play football, but have not played much over the last couple of months, due to work and like today my meeting ran over and then had 2 hour drive home i'm too tired. I lack motivation to do things myself, yet i could play team sports all every day if I could.
I did enjoy the gym but can't afford it at the moment.
I was diagnosed as type 1 last week and had been going to the gym fairly regularly up until start of December (suppose thats when symtoms started).

I want to get back as soon as possible but quite nervous at the moment as blood sugar still varies quite abit (10.7 before lunch but 5.4 before dinner) and I've still not had a hypo yet so worried I may confuse one with fatigue while im there.

Is it to soon to go back?

I know everyone is different but what pre gym/exercise routines do people employ for better control?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Hi there, you should aim for about 3-4 times a week for about 30 mins to start with then working up to about 40-45min sessions, 20mins cardio then 25 mins resistance exercises or whichever you find best for yourself but do try to do both cardio & resistance training as both will aid each other, hope this is of some help to you!
Good Luck
fitting exercie into normal life

Easiest way I know to get exercise is to cycle or walk briskly whenever possible and not to use public transport or car for journeys under 2 miles (30 mins walk) unless carrying something heavy or bulky and then can walk when unencumbered if delivering / collecting. Routine journeys to / from work, shops, cinema, etc are my main ways of getting exercise, plus canoeing (40 mins round trip by bike to club house, then usually about 1 hour paddle up then downstream), orienteering (usually have to drive, but some summer events are reachable by bike, and a race involves several kms running / fast walking), geocaching (by bike and foot), marshalling on adventure races (lots of walking / cycling to checkpoints and moving heavy kit eg kayaks at transistion areas) etc. All very cheap and mostly fun. We did use a free gym pass from a friend to go swimming & use machines a few weeks ago - my partner wasn't too happy, though, as despite being fitter overall, he can't swim as fast as me (not sure why, but I swam a lot as a teenager when training for life saving, and he has less body fat than me)
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