Exercise QOF indicators are workable, says NICE development lead

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Exclusive New QOF indicators incentivising practices to promote more active lifestyles are proving ?very positive? in pilots, claims the NICE?s development lead.

Professor Helen Lester, NICE?s clinical QOF indicator development lead, told Pulse that practices piloting the exercise indicators in patients with hypertension have embraced the challenge and come up with some innovative ideas for making it work.

The claim comes after the GPC said several of the QOF indicators incentivising practices to promote better lifestyle choices that Government wants to impose on practices were ?unworkable?.

The indicators for 2013/14 include assessing exercise levels annually in patients with high blood pressure, and delivering a brief intervention in those who are considered ?less than active?.

It also comes after NICE released draft guidance that said GPs should screen all adults for their exercise habits and offer advice to those not sufficiently active and its advisors agreed to pilot new QOF indicators for alcohol screening.


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I can see both sides of the argument; but it is very frustrating to be told in no uncertain terms that you don't take enough exercise and them saying that for (a case in point for moi) osteopenia to ward off full blown osteoporosis as long as possible, I should take 'weight bearing exercise'.

OK say I, what's that and where can I get it?

Totally blank look.

Then I went to the Stop Smoking service. Again, they want me to take exercise. Oh great, where can I get it? They don't know because I don't live in this or that postcode ..... and am not claiming this or that Benefit and furthermore I'm not morbidly obese ......

I don't even want it free you understand. I'm quite prepared to pay something for tuition from someone who knows what it is I apparently need !

I do know that walking is weight bearing, well that's OK, on my own on pavements round the same streets with the same houses and the same parked cars, and most likely when it's heaving down with rain too. It's so bloody boring there is no incentive whatsoever. We do have a leisure centre. So I enrolled. Then found out I can't go then or then or then or then or then because it's either swimming lessons for all the local schools in the daytimes or there are special classes for the 'Heart trouble' patients referred by the doctors in their local area or summat else, and I'm stuffed again to having to go between 1pm and 2 pm on only two possible days a week, but the classes are full, sorry.
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