Exercise, fear

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Everyone seems be on my back to exercise.I on 112 units on Toujeo and 6 to 7 units of nova rapid and 2000 mg of Metformin.The problem is I affair of low hypos and got no idea how to safely exercise without getting low hypos.Any advice be grateful receive.I have no support at all With my diabetes from hospital or GP.
What sort of exercise type and duration are you thinking of?

I'm type 1 but as you use insulin this should be similar for you. I avoid having any short acting insulin on board when exercising as it will become very potent in short order. Once you're used to the way your body behaves you can get away with some (e.g. the tail end of a previous meal or the dose for food eaten just before you exercise, though in the latter case I would skip for <30g carbs or only take 1/3 of the usual dose).

For long duration exercise (6h+) I also cut back my basal insulin, these day I cut back by ~1/3, but in the past I've cut back all the way to ~1/2. The difficultly here is that cutting back too much may mean your blood glucose remains stable, but you can't eat without going high, or taking bolus, which is tricky to judge. I've not worked out the best solution here yet but I aim to have a gradual downward trend so that I can (and must) eat.

Re going low, as long as you can stop exercising, any drop will stop pretty much immediately (though if you have bolus IoB this is not the case, you need to eat for that), so while a fear of hypos is not a bad thing, if you have a method of stopping (i.e. you're not part way round a 100 mile loop with no other way of getting home) you can experiment without major fears, and without needing to take vast quantities of food along with you.
I was thinking of doing couple of laps walking in my local park.can’t do too much as the pain from my knees and hip get too much from arthritis.I been for a walk before 4 bus stops my sugar level did drop on the fasting sugar level the next morning.I was thinking of doing the couple of laps after breakfast.I only take the bovid rapid one a day after my main meal.
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Everyone seems be on my back to exercise.I on 112 units on Toujeo and 6 to 7 units of nova rapid and 2000 mg of Metformin.The problem is I affair of low hypos and got no idea how to safely exercise without getting low hypos.Any advice be grateful receive.I have no support at all With my diabetes from hospital or GP.

Walking is good exercise. I’d start with a small amount and build up gradually. That way you can see what your blood sugar does and any change will only be small.
@Totalwar I would definitely encourage you to do some exercise and build it up as @Inka suggests.
If you have a Libre make sure you have that with you (and hypo treatment) to keep w close eye on your blood sugars.
If you have no exercised for some time during to arthritis, don't be surprised if the walking causes a rise. Over time, as your body gets comfortable again with walking, the reaction is likely to change.
I don t have a Libre don’t qualify as type two diabetesI have not exercised at all because of severe depression just about get myself out of bed let alone out of my room.
@Totalwar You mention your local park and that sounds a good idea. Take your glucose meter and you can sit on a bench to test. Also take some hypo treatments like Dextro tablets and snacks eg biscuit, flapjack, etc. That way you’ll be all covered and you can relax. Depending on how big your park is, choose a really short distance to start with and that will give you a chance to judge how exercise affects you. If you feel nervous or self-conscious, maybe take an iPod or phone so you can listen to music. But don’t be self-conscious. Most people are focussed on themselves. Fresh air and daylight can help depression more than you’d think.
I forgot to put my sugar levels fasting.which are 6 to 10.

It depends when you’ll be exercising. You might find certain times of day work better than others. It’s just a question of a bit of experimentation.
I don't take insulin [metformin & empagliflozin], but have numerous other health conditions including a gyp knee and asperger's. Because of the latter's behavioural oddities like repetitive scheduling, this is very relevant. Anyway, what I did was to work gentle exercise into my schedule by avoiding public transport.

To give more detail: My daily schedule starts off around 2am when I get up, have my morning coffee and read papers. There then follows three or four hours of project research, followed by a couple of hours of life chores like holding court with my friends & patrons, shopping and a luxury cup of a Costa coffee. (Because of extreme social isolation, the "holding court" part is actually very important.) This is followed by a lunch and "la sieste". After my sieste, I do any project work that is likely to disturb my neighbours. In the evening, I generally spend a couple of hours doing project planning & scheduling, followed by an hour of Netflix before retiring to bed.

By cutting out public transport, the "life chores" part of my schedule involves a circular walk with a radius of half a mile or about 3 miles in circumference, with plenty opportunities to rest and recuperate. While to some this might not sound like much exercise, combined with my moderately low carb diet [150 grams/day], I have lost nearly thirty kilograms and 10 inches off my waist in the last year.:D

In fact, I have lost so much weight my Doctor is starting to get a bit concerned and recently ran some test to check if I had any other issues. To me, since I was always a beanpole, unsurprisingly, the test came back negative. On the other hand, while I would need to lose another couple of kilos to get back to my "fighting weight" I am considering to what extent I can increase my carb count without increasing my BG levels.

While everybody is different, I hope this gives you some ideas on how you might work some exercise into your schedule.

Everyone seems be on my back to exercise.I on 112 units on Toujeo and 6 to 7 units of nova rapid and 2000 mg of Metformin.The problem is I affair of low hypos and got no idea how to safely exercise without getting low hypos.Any advice be grateful receive.I have no support at all With my diabetes from hospital or GP.
Just moving around room to room is better than nothing. We're not all Usain Bolt.
Ok doing three laps about 3000 metres each morning.Which saves me 4 units insulin so 108 units a day.A bit dispointed thought my insulin use would go down more that.my sugar levels are 6 to 10.
Don’t be disappointed @Totalwar It sounds like you’re doing brilliantly 😎 As you keep your routine up week after week, you might see further reductions 🙂
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