Exercise and you

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

I've been on a diet for about a week now and I'm doing an hours exercise everyday. It got me thinking - What exercise do you do? how long does that exercise affect your blood sugars for? and when do you usually do your exercise during the day? I just would be interested to find out.

I use my exercise bike and also run up and down the stairs for the hour I do each day. I've worked out that the exercise affects my bg's for about 9 hours afterwards and I usually do my exercise in the afternoon. I go out for a half hour walk each day too.

Over to you...... 🙂
Hi Emma great thread .

I swim admittedly not been sticking to it as much as i should but i usually go fridays around 4 o clock my other source of exercise is in my garage i have a rowing mahine and a gym ball in there and i try and go in there 3 times a week for 40 minutes around mid morning 95% of the time.I always test after exercise and most of the time i have no issues they was once when i tested and i was 12.3 and it took ages to come back down but not really had any level issues with exercise.I actually exercise every day really i walk everywhere i go.
I go out for at least an hour every day, usually walking the dog. My bloods usually go up at least a point by the time I'm done then falls back within two hours. I haven't measured when exercising for a while now though as I have to keep my strips for when they're really needed because I still don't get them on prescription.

I used to go out right after lunch and I remember that sent my numbers even higher, now I wait till around three, or go out before lunch instead.

I would go swimming too but can't currently afford it.

I have a pedometer which helps me keep track of the distance I've covered. I aim to do about 10,000 steps per day.
Hi Emma great thread .

I swim admittedly not been sticking to it as much as i should but i usually go fridays around 4 o clock my other source of exercise is in my garage i have a rowing mahine and a gym ball in there and i try and go in there 3 times a week for 40 minutes around mid morning 95% of the time.I always test after exercise and most of the time i have no issues they was once when i tested and i was 12.3 and it took ages to come back down but not really had any level issues with exercise.I actually exercise every day really i walk everywhere i go.

Every little helps 😉 that's quite a lot of exercise in a week - more than most people do. My husband thinks exercise is playing on his xbox 360 🙄
Every little helps 😉 that's quite a lot of exercise in a week - more than most people do. My husband thinks exercise is playing on his xbox 360 🙄

your telling me although o/h is a posty so he does get alot of exercise doing that and he does go up 2,050 stairs every day.
There's an Exercise / Sport thread in the Information section of this forum, with lots more ideas & information. I'll leave this threafd where it is, though, as not everyone scrolls down that far.
Something I'd quite like to invest in, if I ever have the cash is a WII Fit thingy. A friend has one I've had a shot of and it was great.
unfortunately i do very little excersise at the moment, too busy applying for jobs. I do however walk everywhere and when I have a bit of money I want to invest in a wii fit. I'm actually going to do my tae bo dvd later on, I'm fed up of sitting around doing nothing. \if the weather is nice tomorrow I'm going to go out with my camera.
unfortunately i do very little excersise at the moment, too busy applying for jobs. I do however walk everywhere and when I have a bit of money I want to invest in a wii fit. I'm actually going to do my tae bo dvd later on, I'm fed up of sitting around doing nothing. \if the weather is nice tomorrow I'm going to go out with my camera.

If you're walking everywhere, you're exercising.
Staggering too and from the pub?

Back at uni I got into the habit of going to the gym at least twice a week for my hour of pain. I can't quite work out how long the effects last. Up to twelve hours is the current estimation.

I used to go to body pump 3 times a week. (Have been told I need to stop it at the moment because of my frozen shoulder). I have a wii fit and do the odd 30 mins on it every so often. When I went to the gym I would do 20 mins on the bike, 20 mins on the rowing machine and 20 mins on the treadmill. Now because of various health issues and time constraits I cant do any extra excercise but try and get my 10,000 steps a day, I really enjoy walking and find it very theraputic. Sorry cant help with bg levels as I cant test that often but my fitness levels have increased dramatically.
I'm fairly active generally but most of my exercise tends to be day long hill / mountain walks or day long cycle rides.

This sort of exercise, probably because of the duration, tends to affect by insulin needs for up 24 hours afterwards.

I need to reduce my basal and bolus rates by about 50% during the activity and then by perhaps 20% afterwards.
Staggering too and from the pub?

Back at uni I got into the habit of going to the gym at least twice a week for my hour of pain. I can't quite work out how long the effects last. Up to twelve hours is the current estimation.


Haha staggering to and from the pub doesn't count tom 😉 gym does though
Today I've done really well with not having hypo's after the exercise. I exercised this morning after breakfast so I gave myself half the insulin that I usually would and I was 8.8 when I finished and then 5.4 before lunch :D so I'm very pleased with that result.
Haha staggering to and from the pub doesn't count tom 😉 gym does though

Well if staggering to and from pubs/clubs was a sport I'd be pretty damn fit now lol! Must start going to the gym again whenever I choose to go back to uni...
Something I'd quite like to invest in, if I ever have the cash is a WII Fit thingy. A friend has one I've had a shot of and it was great.

I'd love a wii fit too but they are way too expensive :(
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