Exercise and the Minimed 780g

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Afternoon all,

I got my Minimed 780g back in November (Pump only, not closed loop) and I am trying to lose some weight. I have so far lost around a stone and a half but I'm starting to look at increasing my exercise.

Previously (before the pump) i've had some awful experiences whilst exercising including dropping dangerously low whilst swimming, so much so that it put me off going to the gym or swimming for fear of it happening again.

I'm starting to find my rhythm with the pump and I feel that now is the time to dive back in. I am just wondering if anyone has any advise or tips for managing pre / post exercise. Do you have a small snack and not give insulin? Do you set a temporary basal rate a few hours before? Do you disconnect completely when in the gym?

At the moment when I go out for a walk I'm setting a 80% temp basal 2 hours before but still find I drop the moment I start walking, I tried a 50% rate today and the same thing happened but once I treated I stayed nice and steady.

Any help of advice is gratefully received.
Unfortunately it’s all a question of experimentation @Tempyyyyy For swimming, I take my pump off and aim to be around 8 or 9 when I get in the water. I usually reduce the bolus of the meal before if I’m going soon after a meal, and I also top up with carbs before getting in the pool. I also get out to test at regular intervals and eat Dextro when needed so I don’t go lower than around 6.5.

For walking, I reduce my basal an hour beforehand andi put on a temp basal rate of anything from 70% to 20%, depending on the strenuousness and length of walk and my starting blood sugar. I also top up with carbs as needed.

So, a mix of basal reduction, bolus reduction if eating a meal beforehand, and top up carbs. I’ll tag @helli because I think she’s a gym-goer and exercises a lot.
Thanks for the tag @Inka
Unfortunately, there are many variables when exercising such as what exercise and how for you are.
I assume, if you are going low, you are doing cardio rather than resistance training such as weights.
For me, when doing cardio, my approach is
- no need to top up on carbs
- no bolus insulin on board so no eating or corrections for about 4 hours
- zero basal starting 30 minutes before exercise and back to normal basal 30 minutes before I stop.
- aim to start with levels in the 6s or 7s.
- if my levels are too low (in 4s or 5s) when I start, I begin with weights which increases my levels.
Thanks so much @Inka and @helli

Yeah previously I have done cardio, I’m not the most active of people so it was normally a brisk walk on the treadmill or on the bike. Swimming tends to make me drop but I think that’s because I enjoy being in the water so much I lose track of time

Will have a little experiment and see how I get on!
Joined the gym, let my blood run slightly higher this morning, set my pump to 25% and jumped on the treadmill. Everything went well, left the gym at 6.5 which was great for me.

Only downside is my pump decided to fail whilst I was on the exercise bike and I had to leave to reboot it! First time it’s ever happened!!
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