Exellent Care.

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I do better with mine round that too Hobie - my body really doesn't want to be very much lower even though I'm still always encouraged to try to get it go there - but not 'forcibly' which is a waste of everyone's time anyway. Gentle persuasion and 100% encouragement throughout, from people who understand it ALL properly, has a far longer lasting effect, doesn't it?

Glad to hear your results.
Did you know I have just been very ill as well. Cepsus A. ? The care I get was good off the team 😉
Good luck Hobie. 🙂
Yes good luck from me too HOBIE. Please let us know how your appointment goes. Sorry to hear you've been very poorly ~ take care and look after yourself now won't you.
Hi Wirralass. I was admitted to Hosp a few weeks ago with a blood infection. Sepsis A. I was done in, at work on the Saturday 8.30- 6.30 & then woke up to very high BG. Straight to A&E. My arm was black from wrist to nearly shoulder. Life at times ? Was in 10 days & at first 5 days did not sleep at all because blood tests at leased every hour 😱 .Was knackered :D
Hi Wirralass. I was admitted to Hosp a few weeks ago with a blood infection. Sepsis A. I was done in, at work on the Saturday 8.30- 6.30 & then woke up to very high BG. Straight to A&E. My arm was black from wrist to nearly shoulder. Life at times ? Was in 10 days & at first 5 days did not sleep at all because blood tests at leased every hour 😱 .Was knackered :D
Good grief HOBIE, ever so sorry to hear this ~ it sounds awful. I trust you are feeling much better now following your ordeal ~ its not much fun lying in a hospital bed and not sleeping ~ I know this from personal experience but I hope you're looking after yourself now and don't suffer a recurrence of Sepsis A. Take care now.
Am back in to see them on Thurs. If they need to do some alterations they will. 😎 A very good team. On fri I am off to a local Uni to talk to Medical students about Diabetes. 🙂
Good grief HOBIE, ever so sorry to hear this ~ it sounds awful. I trust you are feeling much better now following your ordeal ~ its not much fun lying in a hospital bed and not sleeping ~ I know this from personal experience but I hope you're looking after yourself now and don't suffer a recurrence of Sepsis A. Take care now.

Nasty thing is sepsis. I’ve had it twice following serious infections and my father died following complications from septic shock.

I’ve never heard of it being called Sepsis A however, not even in the medical literature. It has stages, septic shock being the worst and most dangerous stage. Unfortunately, people with diabetes are more at risk from it.

Fortunately the medics are much more switched onto it these days. More than they were when my dad died relatively young from it.
Sepsis A is a blood infection. There is an advert on TV about dogs for the blind where a fella got sepsis A. When I said 5 days without sleep I was not joking.
Sepsis A is a blood infection. There is an advert on TV about dogs for the blind where a fella got sepsis A. When I said 5 days without sleep I was not joking.

I know about sepsis Hobie and it’s a dreadful thing. I’ve just spent 27 days going to the hospital and spending nights in A&E where my very elderly mother had it with pneumonia. Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body's response to infection causes injury to its own tissues and organs. It usually causes kidney injury in particular.
The blood poisoning condition is septicaemia (sounds like sepsis A) which can lead to sepsis but not always. Sounds like what you had with your arm going black. My father had the same thing and his arm was poisoned when infection got into a cut. However, his developed into sepsis and his organs shut down.

Glad you made a good recovery from it.
You're a Geordie Star Hobie
Well Done 🙂
Have just down-loaded my Medtronic pump & seeing DSN tomorrow. No escape cos all the figures are there. Not like the old days o_O
Appointment next week so will have to down-load again. Only takes minutes 🙂
Well done Hobie and glad you have recovered from nasty infection-don't they use slepp deprivation as a form of torture! 😱
They do zillah ! I was really knocked & would not like that again. The human body is a fantastic bit of kit 😉
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