Exclusive: NHS care rationed for smokers and obese

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
More than 80% of CCGs in England restrict access to surgery and treatments based on patients' BMI, and at least one blocks all routine surgery for obese patients unless they lose weight.

A GP investigation found the overwhelming majority (83%) of CCGs deny patients treatment for infertility, joint replacements and aesthetic surgery if their BMI is considered too high.

Almost two-thirds (62%) will not allow patients to receive certain treatments based on their smoking status.

GPC deputy chairman Dr Richard Vautrey condemned the ‘rationing of services’ as unfair, unethical and unacceptable. He said CCGs hid behind ‘spurious clinical reasons’ to discriminate against some groups to cut costs.

The results come just months after Northern, Eastern and Western Devon CCG was forced to back down following an outcry over plans for a blanket ban on routine surgery for any patient with a BMI >35.

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