Evil mince pies!

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So having only discovered last Christmas that I actually LIKED the flipping things, I have been such a very good girl, and turned down every single one that has been offered this way, since I've heard they're pretty carbo-riffic.

Yet, my landlord and his wife (who live downstairs) had invited me and A downstairs for mulled wine and mince pies just to be pleasant and social. So it turned out they had some extremely mini ones. Hurrah! So I had one of those, and one glass of mulled wine.

Yet several hours after I was floating around the 9's/10's, and had a ruddy great black tongue (they must have used port in the mulled wine, because that's the only thing I've discovered that will do that for me.)

Excuse my momentary whining, please. 🙄
If you can't have the off mince pie and mulled wine at Christmas, when can you?!? The odd run of blood sugars around 9 - 10.
Yeah the odd 9/10 doesnt sound too bad to me at Christmas time! It may have been the mulled wine aswell you know, it is quite sweet stuff.
I thought the mention of port during the day was banned here!?? 😛

I've been hoovering around 9/10 the last few days:(

Hope you manage to have a few more and bolus for them, they are good and you need to make up for all those years you weren't eating them!!
Average mince pie = 30g carb. I guess thats another 10 units on Christmas day then (if I can manage on just three)!!!
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Then there's Christmas pud, bread sauce, Yorkshire puds, roast potatoes, stuffing, port ...... I think I'll just shoot the whole pen!!!
Kiplings mince pies are just over 30 cho but Tesco's own are only 12 or 15, same size. Just goes to show the differences around. I only like them if they are covered with squirty cream, how uncouth am I !!
I dont particually like mince pies - but now falcon123 you have put me in the mood for a certain cake... gee thanks for that lol :D
i hate mince pies but i luuuurve xmas cake im not going to wither though ,im having 3 run trufflles thats it
I find all the yummies at Christmas a HUGE temptation too. yesterday all I wanted was chocolate. As hubby was going to get a paper I asked hime to bring me back a small bar-he will bring back the smallest bar he can find.

Don't beat yourself up over a treat. Christmas only comes once a year and the odd high wont do too much damage as the rest of your diet is pretty good.
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