Everyone is a Hero

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I think everyone on this Forum is a Hero!

To give up your time to advise and help like minded people is to be commended.

Your humour and support to all of us who suffer from the dreaded double D (diabetes and depression) is an inspiration

To established and newbies alike - thank you for everything you do

God bless

Well said Hazel this place as a whole is a hero, all of us at some point have helped one another no mater how big or small the issue we always do our best to help when we can x
I couldnt agree more - this place is great and very welcoming. But dont forget, the fact that you are a member and have given advice and help and support means that you are a Hero yourself and help to create this lovely community. I have had so much support from the lovely people on here - I really dont know what I would have done without you all.🙂Bev x
well said. and you are totally right. everyone here is so helpful; and lovely. I honestly don't know where i'd be without this ole lot!!! :D
Totally agree with you, the help and support on here is invaluable x
You said it, we are all heros. If it were not for this forum, I'd have no support at all. Thanks everyone for helping me and allowing me to help you too.
But do we all wear our pants over our trousers? Or is it just me😉

This place probably saves the nhs some readies too!

To all the heros!:D
Thats an early morning image and a half
But do we all wear our pants over our trousers? Or is it just me😉

This place probably saves the nhs some readies too!

To all the heros!:D

I'm a civil servant, so my pants are where only I can see them unless I choose to show.

Quite agree, we save the NHS millions, not to mention our GPs time and hair!
Well said Hazel.
I have found the advice and assistance from diabetes forums invaluable.

But do we all wear our pants over our trousers? Or is it just me😉...

I didn't like to say anything when I met you in case it was some kind of 'Southern' trendy fashion, Rossi😉

There is a terrific sense of community here, which I find very uplifting, and I've had some fantastic advice and support from so many people. It's been good also to watch people 'grow' from their initial introduction. Maybe they were newly-diagnosed and scared and have become more confident and infrmed, or maybe they are 'veterans' learning new things themselves or supporting others through their wealth of experience. And, of course everybody in between! Heroes all! Well said Hazel!:D
I think we are like one big family. There is always someone here with a kind word when you're feeling down or somebody who's been through the same thing as you and can reasure you that things will get better.
This is a great forum & everyone is fab! I have learnt so many things that the Professionals never bothered explaining to me.

And hopefully my small smidges of advice have helped out others

We all rock!

But do we all wear our pants over our trousers? Or is it just me...
Only on a special occasion 😛
Couldn't agree more, this place is amazing and I have made some great friends :D DS highlights the importance of support when dealing with such a complex and quite frankly rubbish condition...

I love this place and I love you all 🙂 I hope I have been able to help a few ppl here and there....
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