Ever changing.....


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

Hope you are well. Just wanted to ask any of you if your diabetes (T1) changes on a regular basis? Just for example, I no longer require any basal insulin. Go to sleep at around 7 and wake up around 8. Stays stable all day, just need to bolus for food?
Hi All,

Hope you are well. Just wanted to ask any of you if your diabetes (T1) changes on a regular basis? Just for example, I no longer require any basal insulin. Go to sleep at around 7 and wake up around 8. Stays stable all day, just need to bolus for food?

Former admin @Northerner is type 1 & no longer takes basal insulin, think he stopped some 8 years back from memory.
Hi All,

Hope you are well. Just wanted to ask any of you if your diabetes (T1) changes on a regular basis? Just for example, I no longer require any basal insulin. Go to sleep at around 7 and wake up around 8. Stays stable all day, just need to bolus for food?
Yes. My basal does that sort of thing too...between zero and 4 units per 24 hours
Mine changes every 2 weeks based on my menstrual cycle.
We all vary and yes I have heard of others who only need insulin for food.
Hi All,

Hope you are well. Just wanted to ask any of you if your diabetes (T1) changes on a regular basis? Just for example, I no longer require any basal insulin. Go to sleep at around 7 and wake up around 8. Stays stable all day, just need to bolus for food?
Yes, that's me 🙂 I stopped needing basal insulin (lantus) about 4 years after diagnosis (well-remembered @nonethewiser 🙂 ) I started on 18 units, but over the years found I needed less and less. I reduced down to 2 units but was still waking in low 4s so decided to try without (told my consultant!) and haven't needed it since, now 12 years 🙂 I currently wake around 7.0. Have you had a C-peptide test? If not, ask your consultant for one. It measures how much of your own insulin you are producing. Most Type 1s produce some insulin still, but I produce more than 95% of them 🙂 We're all different, but it sounds like you may be similar to me 🙂 I still use novorapid for food, about 20 units a day 🙂

I have encountered maybe half a dozen other people on the forum over the years who do not need basal, it's rare, but perfectly possible and normal 🙂
Yup, you need what you need