Etiquette for NON Diabetics

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Some good points.... how do we use this? As a handout, a note on our front door or desk? 🙄

Summarises things pretty well though.
I definately agree with point 7.

Like diabetes is not serious right?
Crikey - someone actually wrote that to give to people? Or is it a joke? 😱

We need a point 11 - just because we are diabetic doesn't give us the right to be defensive, rude or touchy, or incredibly patronising by giving people dos and donts about how to talk to us...
My eyesight is rubbish and i cant read it, and no i cant magnify it
I take a bundle of copies to break with me and use it as a hand out for all those ammetuers who know better than us here. I also add this site. So far I have only had to tell one bloke to *@~# off and I also reported him because he wouldn't go away amd leave me and my diabetes in peace....
Good points made, I agree strongest with point 9.

But I cannot see myself dishing this out to anybody at the moment!

At least it's there if I need to in the future so thank you to the people who did this.
I like it

I might have to laminate it and throw it at people....hehehe. I'd stick it on my locker but my locker isn't big enough. Although i'd alos like it say "And don't ask me if my blood sugars are stable. Firstly, it's gibberish, coz they go up and down like everybody else's and i don't care what they are as long as they're below 7. Secondly i haven't got the foggiestwhat it is as my glucose meter isn't continuous!" For some reason my co-workers seem to think that having "stable" blood sugar levels is pretty much a cure for diabetes....

Have just printed off some more copies. I am going to pin one up in our staff lounge and add this our forum in a note too....
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