Eratic numbers

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Ive rejoined after quite awhile being away. I need to refresh all that I previously learnt and to get myself updated with information, especially how the drugs I take are really necessary and how they interact with each other. I sometimes feel as if they are 'fighting' against each other and not performing or actually doing me any good. I have other health conditions like Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Multi level spinal Spondylosis, Gallstones, Incontinency, so at the moment I'm going through a terrible time with it all. The Chronic pain I'm in is connected with all that and its making life very difficult.
So please point me in the right direction for a suitable forum.
Thank you
Wendy B
Hi Wendy and welcome back.

So sorry to hear you have a lot going on health wise which is making life difficult. I hope we can help a little (or preferably a lot) with at least the diabetes aspect of your problems..... Can you bring us up to day with where you are with your diabetes? ie latest HbA1c reading and what sort of BG readings you are getting day to day if you have a BG meter?
Also what medication you are on for your diabetes and the dosage?
An idea of what an average day's food and drink looks like for you is also helpful... ie breakfast, lunch and dinner and any snacks. Please be honest and don't worry that you will be judged. We all have our weaknesses but sometimes it is possible to make better choices with a bit of advice, so it helps us to get an idea of how many carbs you are eating and where we might make lower carb suggestion to help you control your levels better.
Hello @wirrallady53
Welcome back to the forum, and I hope we can help you.
As @rebrascora says, it will help if you can tell us a little bit about how things are for you with your Diabetes, so that we can try to give you some pointers.

Also a useful place to look at is the 'Learning Zone' tab at the top of the page, which has information on a range of related topics.
Welcome back @wirrallady53

Sorry to hear about the difficulties you are having with your diabetes and your other conditions. It sounds very difficult for you.

If you can share a few more details about how you manage your diabetes, any medication you are taking, and the sorts of foods you generally eat then members here will be able to share their own experiences and suggest their tips and ideas.

If you are unsure or unclear about any interactions between your different medications, your best bet is probably to speak to a qualified pharmacist in your chemist/dispensary who will be able to advise you. Your GP should also have information of any ‘contraindications’ for any of your medications.
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