Enlite sensors with paradigm veo pump

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi , my name is praveen , i live in india. i started using minimed paradigm veo pump with CGMS on enlite sensors. i have some things to ask you as you are good at sensors know how, can i ask please?

my enlite sensors give wrong readings, it gave me 135 mg/ Dl in the morning and it been on the same reading all last night about 130 to 138. but when i took my BG with metre , it was 175. why such difference in readings? please help me with this.


do you know any consultancy about it online?
Hi Praveen, welcome to the forum 🙂 How long have you been using the sensors? I don't use them myself, but I know that they don't generally show an exact match to fingerprick tests, their main use being to show trends up or down in blood sugar levels. Do Medtronic have a helpline in India you could contact?
Hi Praveen

As Northerner says continuous sensors and fingerstick BG tests often show differences. Not least because the sensor is measuring glucose in interstitial fluid rather than blood.

You need to calibrate the sensor against BG meter readings - have a look at the instructions for more details of how and when to do this.

Alison (a member here) uses Enlite sensors and has written about them here: http://www.shootuporputup.co.uk/2011/06/enlite-a-couple-of-months-in/
Thanks dear,

Hi, I am Praveen. I am type 2 since 17 years but started on 30/70 last 3 years. NOw.. Started using mm paradigm Veo with CGMS, carelink too.

I am happy I found you all to share and listen.

I will check the link now, thanks a lot, can I add friends or like kind of thing in this forum?

I am new so know less about this place,

Hi, again, this site says no permission to enter,,, forbidden

Now how to...
Oh ok, may be itsmy iPad I am trying on , I will attemp from my pc ,,thanks anyway, regards
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