

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone I'm new to DUK. I'm 6'3 and at my heaviest was 25st. Long term T2 and regime was 24-40 units of novomix 30 and daily Victoza (liraglitude) injections. I've tried to lose weight since 1977 (no bull) and my brief lowest was 15'7 in 1984. I have autoimmune stuff and lots of complications. My stable weight has been a range around 19-20 st.
My motivation has finally been strengthened by hip failure. I had a new liver 10yrs ago and now the risk of surgery has been assessed as too high
So 15:months I decided to go on my own program....My mind rebels at the word diet. I knew I HAD to lose weight. Inspired by Jason Fung I made some simple changes and am now at 14st BUT...... 3 months ago a long term shortage of Victoza made a change to Semaglutude tablets necessary and on my 3rd attempt I think my stomach will tolerate a small dose..2 weeks ago my surgery gave me Libre2. What a shock I got to find that I no longer require any insulin and my average a1c is estimated now as 39mmol.
I am both thrilled and suspicious about whether the Semaglutude is changing my readings short-term and whether anyone has been using Rybelsus longer than me and what the longer term impact has been.?
Glad you've found a system that works for you @MikeF

We have had relatively few people on Rybelsus (which became available more recently), but you can look up experiences of Semaglutide or Ozempic which might be interesting.

For those that tolerate them, and don't get any stomach upset, they do seem to be very effective at reducing appetite, and assisting in weight loss (hence the Internet going mad, and leading to a surge in off-label use and global shortages)

Perhaps browse some threads here

or here?
Hi.i have just started rybelsus.my last attempts induced vicious stomach problems.This last 4 weeks I started off with 3.5 and I was meticulous in taking alone on an empty tum with a sip of water to keep the stuff from getting into the hut. Been on 7mg for 10 days. Still bunged up and unsure about longer term. i got the weight loss thru diet, but what I have noticed using Libre recently is how stable Rybelsus seems to keep my sugars.
i got the weight loss thru diet, but what I have noticed using Libre recently is how stable Rybelsus seems to keep my sugars.

Sounds good @MikeF

Hope your digestive system settles down, and you continue to see benefit from it.