ended up in hospital today :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So I went to the walk in centre this morning re my breathing and ended up in the back of an ambulance verging on unconsciousness! Blood sugars were 1.5,m it was terrifying! They manhandled my pump off me! And forced hypo stop down my throat! Was nasty and the breathing issues were forgotten! (Hey hooked me up to an ecg too which was cool cuz I've never seen one before! But my levels came up, paperwork was done and then it was back to te breathing issues! They forced an appointment out of my doc and then dropped me off in an ambulance.

Hosp, paramedics. Doc and work told me to stay home today. I just hope this doesn't go against me with work :(

So now I have a terrible hyo hangover, feel sick from the hypostop and drowsy from the antihystemines I was given. And I now have an inhaler.
oh sam what a nightmare !! when you rented the flat does it say no pets on the agreement ? if it does get on to the estate agents to have the place thoroughly cleaned as the previous tenants obviously had cats ....hope you feel better soon x🙂
Wow Sam, I do hope that you are feeling better soon! Don't worry about work, it's hardly self-inflicted - I'm sure it won't be held against you in any way. If anything, your colleagues will probably be more respectful of what you have to live with and how well you handle things.

Hope you are able to rest without cat residue disturbing you too much!
oh sam what a nightmare !! when you rented the flat does it say no pets on the agreement ? if it does get on to the estate agents to have the place thoroughly cleaned as the previous tenants obviously had cats ....hope you feel better soon x🙂

I think Sam said elsewhere that the landlord lived there previously himself, so it was his cat!
So do you think the allergic reaction effected your blood sugar........

Sounds like you had a really hard time, just because of some cat hair.......

At least you have the inhaler.............

Hope you have an event free day................
OMG hun hope your okay now. I would serious sort that carpet out!! Bloody previous tenents!!

Hi Sam that must have been scary. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Hi Sam

I've just seen your status on fb and commented. Now I know you were in a clinic and not at home. I hope you are feeling better.

Re the cat hair, if you are asthmatic and/or allergic to cats, as I am, then it really really plays havoc. Luckily for me I am not diabetic but yes allergies can play havoc with blood sugars.

I went away for New Year and the apartment I stayed in was one where pets could have gone (I didn't book it and so didn't know). I couldn't breathe properly all holiday. I couldn't sit on the sofas as they had cat hairs and it made me even worse and brought out a rash all over me. I had weeks afterwards trying to get rid of the rash and sort my breathing out.

Get defumigated asap, even if you have to end up paying for it, it will be so worth it.
Hope your feeling alot better now sam 🙂
Crikey that sounds scary!! 😱 Hope you're feeling better really quickly - hate hypo hangovers!!!
Good grief Sam, you were having fun! I hope your breathing is easier now, it's darned scary when that happens. The Landlord should have had the place cleaned properly when the previous tenant's moved out, so you can ask them to have the carpet's steam cleaned at least. Some things that seem to help me when I get wheezy from the allergies are:
  • Either menthol, eucalyptus or lavender oil. Put a drop or two of the oil on your bedside light bulb, or on a tissue under your pillow case, or on your pyjamas/nightie. It helps you breathe easier and get some sleep.
  • A nice hot steamy shower (failing that a basin full of boiling water on the table and your head under a towel for five minutes). If you add a drop of Olbas oil, menthol or Eucalyptus it should help clear the tubes.
  • Digestive biscuits and/or hot milky drinks (works for me but I've no idea why). Of course, these might not be so good from a blood sugar point of view and I haven't had any serious allergy attacks since I got home.
  • Pillows, lots of pillows so you can sleep propped up, lying flat seems to make the wheezies worse.
Hugs and hope you feel better soon.
[*]Pillows, lots of pillows so you can sleep propped up, lying flat seems to make the wheezies worse.
[/LIST]Hugs and hope you feel better soon.

Totally agree with that. I spent one night awake totally because I couldn't breathe. I had stupidly put toilet duck down the loo and I forgot that I am intolerant to chemical fragrancies and it set me off and I couldn't breathe at all laying down so sat up.
Gosh Sam sorry to hear you had to be hospitilised how are you now hun xxxx
Hope your ok now sweetie 🙂 xxx
Hi Sam, hope you are feeling better xxx
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