Empowered and engaged NHS staff will provide better care

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It should not be news to anyone working in healthcare that the way staff feel about their workplace has an impact on the quality of patient care, as well as on the efficiency and financial performance of an organisation.

This has been driven home by the Boorman review on the importance of health and wellbeing in the NHS. Research also demonstrates the link between staff satisfaction and mortality rates, that higher staff satisfaction is linked to higher patient satisfaction, and that staff experience shapes patients' experience, rather than the other way around.

Yet despite these studies, NHS staff engagement ? as measured by a score from the NHS staff survey, which takes account of measures including staff involvement and overall job satisfaction ? fell for three consecutive years from 2009 before rising slightly in 2012. Only 55% of staff would recommend their organisation as a place to work.

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