

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I have just been advised by my GP to add in Empagliflozin to help control my BS. I currently also take Metformin and Lantus. I have been advised to reduce my Lantus by 25%, should this be in one go or gradual?

Also what are other people’s opinions on using Empagliflizon, I’ve heard yeast infections are a common side effect…any thoughts?

Many thanks in advance
UTIs are mine. 5 in 6 months. . Would actually prefer the yeast tbh. Can treat it myself. I reduced from 8 units (depending on what I was eating) to 6, and long lasting down to 13 from 16. HB1aC up slightly to 49 from 48. The one big thing was that I lost 8kg in those 6 months.
Ok Lantus is your safety baseline….. adjust 2 units every 3 days as your body needs time to adjust….. that was advise from my DSN team. If you need insulin I’m unsure why a GP would be reducing that. I was told that one stays for life.

Empagliflizon is used when sugars are below 13. I tried it but after three days had UTI and thrush not good. It’s used to flush sugars from your body in urine hence the infections. There’s also a risk of very serious skin infection in your lower groin that requires immediate medical attention.

I found just Lantus and adding a bit of fast acting insulin at meals has might down better. Do you have DSN on board they are the best with insulin.
UTIs are mine. 5 in 6 months. . Would actually prefer the yeast tbh. Can treat it myself. I reduced from 8 units (depending on what I was eating) to 6, and long lasting down to 13 from 16. HB1aC up slightly to 49 from 48. The one big thing was that I lost 8kg in those 6 months.
Have they suggested other things as that many infections on a monthly basis. Shows it’s not right for you and will effect kidneys. Hope your doing ok?
Have they suggested other things as that many infections on a monthly basis. Shows it’s not right for you and will effect kidneys. Hope your doing ok?
It is very difficult. I have a DN who doesn’t answer emails and has said no to a consultant referral. I haven’t seen a GP in the three years I have been here. All antibiotics prescribed via text after taking a urine sample in.
I've been on 10mg Empagliflozin since May 2023 and have had no issues whatsoever. No infections or other side effects. But I was warned by my GP that personal hygiene was the key to avoiding them, which I have been very careful about.

Only thing to be aware of is making sure you drink plenty (at least 2 litres) of sugar free fluids a day.
Ok Lantus is your safety baseline….. adjust 2 units every 3 days as your body needs time to adjust….. that was advise from my DSN team. If you need insulin I’m unsure why a GP would be reducing that. I was told that one stays for life.

Empagliflizon is used when sugars are below 13. I tried it but after three days had UTI and thrush not good. It’s used to flush sugars from your body in urine hence the infections. There’s also a risk of very serious skin infection in your lower groin that requires immediate medical attention.

I found just Lantus and adding a bit of fast acting insulin at meals has might down better. Do you have DSN on board they are the best with insulin.
Thank you, yes will reduce gradually. Think I’ve been advised to reduce my Lantus by 25% as I’m taking 31 units twice a day currently which apparently is quite high if I’m going to introduce the new tablet. Once reduced by 25% I think I will be keeping at that dose. Am very nervous about UTIs and thrush but also don’t want to go on more insulin, I.e fast acting as well as Lantus, so am willing to try it to see if I’m one of the lucky ones!
I've been on 10mg Empagliflozin since May 2023 and have had no issues whatsoever. No infections or other side effects. But I was warned by my GP that personal hygiene was the key to avoiding them, which I have been very careful about.

Only thing to be aware of is making sure you drink plenty (at least 2 litres) of sugar free fluids a day.
Oh that’s good you have had no side effects, really hoping I’ll be that lucky too although I do suffer with UTIs every now and then so quite concerned. Willing to give it a try though and see if I can be lucky like you too
UTIs are mine. 5 in 6 months. . Would actually prefer the yeast tbh. Can treat it myself. I reduced from 8 units (depending on what I was eating) to 6, and long lasting down to 13 from 16. HB1aC up slightly to 49 from 48. The one big thing was that I lost 8kg in those 6 months.
Oh dear, sorry to hear about your UTIs. Am going to give it a go but am dubious.
I am just starting on this and I am concerned about side affects, also told to up metformin to 3 x daily and that amount usually plays havoc with my bowel. I am wondering about starting myself with taking jardiance (Empagliflozin) initially every other day. Good to read other peoples experience.
Oh dear, sorry to hear about your UTIs. Am going to give it a go but am dubious.
I am wondering if taking a probiotic for women may help stave off a UTI I am going to take them at the same time.
Although the nurse said vaginal thrush is common not good.
I am just starting on this and I am concerned about side affects, also told to up metformin to 3 x daily and that amount usually plays havoc with my bowel. I am wondering about starting myself with taking jardiance (Empagliflozin) initially every other day. Good to read other peoples experience.
Hi, well I’ve now been on it for 3 weeks and have to say fingers crossed I haven’t suffered with any side effects I already take 4 metformin and 24 units twice a day of Lantus (reduced this from 31 units twice a day when starting Jardiance). My BG has definitely dropped though so am pleased although have to say am still dubious and on edge due to potential side effects. Have been making sure I drink lots of water, whether that’s helping I’m not sure
I've been on 10mg Empagliflozin since May 2023 and have had no issues whatsoever. No infections or other side effects. But I was warned by my GP that personal hygiene was the key to avoiding them, which I have been very careful about.

Only thing to be aware of is making sure you drink plenty (at least 2 litres) of sugar free fluids a day.
Hi wantonnoodl, I am travelling to London by train next week, taking the empagiliflozin will that make things difficult for me needing the toilet? It will be about 2 hour journey.
Hi, well I’ve now been on it for 3 weeks and have to say fingers crossed I haven’t suffered with any side effects I already take 4 metformin and 24 units twice a day of Lantus (reduced this from 31 units twice a day when starting Jardiance). My BG has definitely dropped though so am pleased although have to say am still dubious and on edge due to potential side effects. Have been making sure I drink lots of water, whether that’s helping I’m not sure
Thanks Pickle for sharing your experience. I am sure drinking 2 litres daily will help a lot. I'm a bit concerned about needing to urinate more when travelling. Also r u still reducing carbs?
Thanks Pickle for sharing your experience. I am sure drinking 2 litres daily will help a lot. I'm a bit concerned about needing to urinate more when travelling. Also r u still reducing carbs?
I believe there are words of caution about reducing carbs too much but as long as people are keeping to the suggested 130g per day many find that OK but it will depend on what other medication you may be taking. It seems as if there is no consensus about that. To me it doesn't seem logical to be taking medication which is encouraging the kidneys to work harder to remove excess glucose whilst still eating foods like carbs which convert to glucose.
Don't most trains have loos these days?
Thanks Pickle for sharing your experience. I am sure drinking 2 litres daily will help a lot. I'm a bit concerned about needing to urinate more when travelling. Also r u still reducing carbs?
Just go to the toilet on the train if you need to go
I believe there are words of caution about reducing carbs too much but as long as people are keeping to the suggested 130g per day many find that OK but it will depend on what other medication you may be taking. It seems as if there is no consensus about that. To me it doesn't seem logical to be taking medication which is encouraging the kidneys to work harder to remove excess glucose whilst still eating foods like carbs which convert to glucose.
Don't most trains have loos these days?
Many thanks Leadinglights. I believe its prescribed when blood glucose is too high and when diet and exercise alone can't reduce the levels, currently circulating in the blood, it helps to bring the BG down more effectively so that the high bg doesnt continue resulting in additional risks to health.
Just go to the toilet on the train if you need to go
ha ha - goes without saying Lucyr - more difficult when travelling alone with bags though, no way could I negotiate the stairs down to WC with bags at Waterloo.
ha ha - goes without saying Lucyr - more difficult when travelling alone with bags though, no way could I negotiate the stairs down to WC with bags at Waterloo.
Use the lift down the steps then?
Is it possible, I have been on 2 days only and past 2 days up metformin to 3 times daily instead of twice daily.
BG before this on rising 16 mnol
day 1 empagliflozen 7.6
Day 2 == 7.1

Did you find it worked fast as well @Pickle ?