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Emotional LADA diabetics please help.


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hello guys,

As my previous posts have said I was diagnosed as? LADA in June, after having a positive anti gad of 80.1 but a c-peptide of 1100. Due to the c-peptide they couldn't confirm it was LADA. I havnt been seen by a doctor or nurse since September and the last couple of months I've felt really crappy and struggled to get my levels under control. I had my 6 month blood check last month and my c-peptide has come back at 580 (wasn't expecting it to drop so quickly I thought I had a couple of years)
From peoples experience what happens now?
I kind of knew this was going to happen but part of me thought they was wrong and I feel so emotional. I don't know what I was expecting
I'd advise asking for an appointment with your GP - particularly as you don't feel right as you are.
They should be able to advise, have all your results and info - and they might be able to suggest or at least map out possible futures.
Having some idea of the possibilities and choices can at least be reassuring for the present even if they are not happening yet.
I have a libre and my sugars are so up and down. Last week they was above 15 all day despite my lanctus and novarapid I called the diabetic centre and they said to adjust my insulin to 1in 8 carbs and I have and it's making a little difference but not much. I've also had crazy hypos at night.
wasn't given a machine but I purchased one myself I have 1 strip left to check. I check once a week.
I wasn't given a machine but I purchased one myself I have 1 strip left to check. I check once a week.

You could get some Ketostix (urine test strips which are about £5) as well if you’d like. Testing weekly isn’t necessary. It’s better to test when your blood sugar is high for some time and also if you’re ill or feel unwell.
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I have a libre and my sugars are so up and down. Last week they was above 15 all day despite my lanctus and novarapid I called the diabetic centre and they said to adjust my insulin to 1in 8 carbs and I have and it's making a little difference but not much. I've also had crazy hypos at night.
wasn't given a machine but I purchased one myself I have 1 strip left to check. I check once a week.
Even though you have a Libre you should still have a monitor and strips on prescription. So ask your GP.
I have a libre and my sugars are so up and down. Last week they was above 15 all day despite my lanctus and novarapid I called the diabetic centre and they said to adjust my insulin to 1in 8 carbs and I have and it's making a little difference but not much. I've also had crazy hypos at night.
wasn't given a machine but I purchased one myself I have 1 strip left to check. I check once a week.

If your C Peptide has declined, you’ll probably need more insulin. This is normal. It might be you need more basal insulin as well as looking at your mealtime ratios. Change things slowly and cautiously, one thing at a time. Your basal is the foundation of good control, so getting that right helps. You can then look at your meal ratios.

Are you fingerpricking to check your nighttime hypos? Sometimes the Libre can give false lows if compressed, especially overnight. Always fingerprick to check.

Emotionally, it takes a year or two to get used to it all. It’s still early days for you. It honestly sounds like you’re doing well x
Katie, can you clarify if you have one test strip to check your Blood Glucose or one strip left to test for blood ketones? You should have a BG meter and test strips provided as well as Libre because Libre is not always reliable and if you drive you need a BG meter as back up in the car, so it definitely should be prescribed. As @Inka says, if it is ketone strips then you should still be prescribed them but you can purchase urine Ketostix to check your urine for ketones when your levels are persistently mid teens or above.

You are essentially in the honeymoon period and during this time you will likely find that your insulin needs increase in fits and starts as your own insulin production dwindles. I am quite surprised that they suggest a change to your meal time ratio before considering that your basal needs may be the issue, but perhaps that is because you say you are getting nocturnal hypos. My concern would be that the hypos during the night may not be real but what we call compression lows where you lie on the arm with the sensor and after a while (usually about 20 mins) it causes levels to drop and gives false low readings. It is therefore important to always double check night time Libre lows with a finger prick at least until you know the signs of a compression low and are confident to recognise if you are hypo or not. One of the telltale indicators of a compression low is that your graph shows levels suddenly dropping and the alarm wakes up when you lying on the sensor.