Electronic interference an issue with pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Has anyone else had issues with electronic interference.
My pump (780G used in a closed loop ) got stroppy and demanded that I move away From the interference.
I was singing in a choir between two people who were both wearing hearing aids, and that was the only thing I could think of That caused the alarm on the pump.
Anyone else had a problem
I wear hearing aids and have had no problems with my pump.
I sit next to my father who has a Bluetooth enabled hearing aid and experience no interference with my Bluetooth enabled insulin pump.
That sounds weird Sue.

I suggest you call Medtronic and ask about it, and what sorts of things would be expected to trigger the alarm - maybe your pump has developed a glitch?
Just wondering what exactly is shown in History -> Alarm History? With 780G in hybrid closed loop, the only Bluetooth interference I have noticed was a couple of days ago when I was helping my daughter set up network connections on her work laptop. Pump unaffected but Windows 10 (that I never use myself) making strenuous efforts to connect.
Wouldn't have thought so but can't be sure.

Maybe next time stand well away from both people with hearing aids to see if problem occurs again.
Medtronic said that hearing aids can disturb the signal from transmitter to pump. Never happened before and the hearing aid was the only thing anywhere near my sensor transmitter.

In the alarm history it was

Possible signal interference.
Move away from electronic devices.
May take 15 min to find signal.

I was tempted to turn off my sensor/transmitter during rehearsals to just have some time with no alarms, but I think I will try out some other ideas first, especially as this is the first time this has happened since last Nov. I might resort to switch off just for concerts.
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