Election Day.,

Sent my postal vote away last week. If only I’d known ...
Oh gosh, wouldn't he be fun! Or at the very least, he would be entertaining 😉
I will go later.... I am usually one of the last ones through the door, but I still have no idea who I will vote for. Most of the info on candidates which has come to my letter box is for the wrong constituency and our area has now been changed so our current MP and previous candidates who would stand, are not standing because we have been split and absorbed into a bigger constituency and I don't know their candidates. I really should have done my homework before now! 🙄
If I see Rick Astley on my voting card, that will certainly make it a lot easier!
The info through my letter box wasn't much help. The ones I bothered glancing at, were confusing: in big letters they said "Vote Labour" and in small letters said something bad about Starmer.
I was tempted to vote for one of the independent candidates who had policies like bringing all stately homes into state ownership and giving all households a guinea pig (or other small rodent). But I wasn't sure about his happiness policy : free Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran concerts.
@rebrascora we’ve been moved into another constituency which has been renamed. Only found out when polling papers arrived. I went with my head not my heart and voted tactically. First time I’ve ever had to do it.
I wanted to vote for the Tooting Popular Front, but Wolfie Smith's name was not on my ballot paper :(
They did it... a day of joy and then the really hard work begins. No doubt Labour will be blamed for everything from the last 14 years. Sigh
The info through my letter box wasn't much help. The ones I bothered glancing at, were confusing: in big letters they said "Vote Labour" and in small letters said something bad about Starmer.
I was tempted to vote for one of the independent candidates who had policies like bringing all stately homes into state ownership and giving all households a guinea pig (or other small rodent). But I wasn't sure about his happiness policy : free Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran concerts.

Ed Sheeran is even worst than Rick Astley - dull boring MOR! :(
For the first time in my life the candidate I voted for won. I really didn't expect such a turnaround in one of the safest Tory seats in the country so a massive achievement.
For the first time in my life the candidate I voted for won. I really didn't expect such a turnaround in one of the safest Tory seats in the country so a massive achievement.
Same as mine, they said been Conservative for 75 years.
Same as mine, they said been Conservative for 75 years.
Mine was 100. Out door knocking I went to a house where they had a picture of the last non Tory election winner on the wall - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Vivian_(trade_unionist).

Now LD following a concerted effort to get LDs, Greens and Labour to back a single candidate.

Where I am has been Conservative since 2005 but swapped regularly with Labour before (in fact a good indicator of the overall result).

Where I last lived was "conservative" for as long as I can remember. It has had frequent boundary changes as LibDem have mounted some serious challenges particularly in 2019. I voted LD then as I met the candidate in Costa, and found him approachable and honest but the Conservative candidate won. He (the Conservative) never followed up on issues I raised on a visit to the Houses of Parliament or on those raised by a former partner (who met him a second time). He also switched from Remain to Brexit (to climb the BoJo and Truss greasy pole) in an area where 2/3rds had voted Remain. The negative effect on many SMEs of Brexit and his arrogance were his undoing. Speaking with a friend there he said many disliked the recent cut in NI (Hunt's election gimmick) after it was raised about four years ago to improve the NHS and social care, and Sunak's reply to a woman in a TV debate about cutting NI when she raised the fact she had lost 90% of sakes to Europe. In the area many people had a European language as a second language (in order French. German, Italian and Spanish) he read it very wrong.
BBC breakfast on box & thought Grant Shapps had got another job already, weather guy on there is double of him.