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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Last Friday evening my meter (Roche Combo - like the Accu-Chek Expert but with rinky dinks for the pump) - starting beeping. It was on the dining table so I got up off my chair and went to look at it.

It was to remind me to test my BG again as it was now 10 minutes after I'd tested and was hypo (it's set at 3.7 ie under 3.7 it records as low, and reminds me)

The only thing was, I hadn't tested for about a couple of hours and anyway, I hadn't had anything under 3.7 for at least several days. So I 'dismissed' it.

Again on Friday night, at some time after midnight when I turned it on to do my pre-bed test, it immediately beeped at me again and told me to change my infusion set - the reminder is permanantly set for 2 days after I change it and for some reason the pump can't grasp that I ain't gonna change it at 5 past midnight ever, but will wait until at least breakfast time. That's fair enough I've got used to it doing that, so I just sigh and 'Snooze' it - it doesn't beep again until I turn it on again in the morning.

However - set had been changed Friday morning and no change was therefore due again till Sunday! So I snoozed that too.

Saturday it never made a sound and Sunday it beeped for the correctly timed set change.

Is it going t*!s up or what - anyone else had this?
It's a haunted handset Jenny 😱:D
It's getting lonely and wants you to pay it more attention:D
We have a phantom doorbell that rings when nobody's pressed it. It turns out it's on the same frequency as a neighbour's down the road.

Is it possible your meter could be tuned in to somebody else's pump? (Not that that would explain it all, but it might be confusing it).
My Combo meter can be a bit erratic too. When I insert a strip without turning the meter on first, it sometimes goes all the way to requesting a sample and sometimes just goes to the first level menu. I've wasted quite a few strips by applying a sample too early in the latter case when I've been on 'autopilot'.

I've had the odd untimely reminder beep, but not enough to make me think that there's a serious problem with the meter. I've just put it down to a software glitch.

I always keep in mind the adage: "to err is human, but it takes a computer to make a real f**k up".
LOL - I'll go with Sue's answer, her's is on the same wavelength as my SOH. :D

The handset can't get confused with owt else. It can only pick up or send signals to MY pump - they are all individually matched to each other. And being dinosaurs I doubt we have anything else in the house that's even got Bluetooth!

Perhaps it was an overflying jet from B'ham airport? :D
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