Effects of a shower on BG levels

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Does anyone notice that having a shower can have an effect on your BG levels ?
I have noticed that my Libre graph spikes when I am in the shower. This is a sharp up and back down again spike not a up and stay there plateau which I have noticed some people describe as a spike (but my engineering brain struggles with).
Given, it returns to the pre-shower level without any insulin, I decided this more likely to be my sensor reacting to the hot water (my partner says my shower water is "scalding hot") and not my blood sugars really doing anything.

If you find your levels rise and stay there, this could also be a Dawn Phenomenon/ Foot on the Floor reaction if your shower is first thing in the morning. Dawn Phenomenon is where our livers help us to prepare for the day by dumping glucose. Foot on the Floor is where our livers wait until we start moving before dumping.

Or is could be a reaction to the shower. I have read of some people finding a hot bath raises their levels so there is no reason why a shower cannot do the same thing.
In my case a shower will always drop my BG, so I adopt the driving rule - I never go in unless I'm at least 5.0.
I usually find a shower will lower my BG levels too.
Yep, me too. A shower usually lowers my blood sugar so I’m always careful to test first and eat a little if necessary just to push my blood sugar up a little to ward off any drop.
I notice a drop in BG after a shower, but I’ve always put it down to the sheer physical effort inolved, though I do have a shower seat. You can’t wash your southern regions sitting down, though. Same with rinsing off, then drying with a towel while holding a crutch. All hard work. (The only easy bits are toothbrushing and shaving, which I can do sitting down.)

This will change significantly when the plumber finds time to install a whole body air dryer next to the shower.

When I was fit and normal, I never noticed any BG difference, but that was long pre Libre, so there may have been a small effect.
Hot water lowers bg big style if bolused within last hour, so tend to avoid that, cant say noticed other times.
I’ve not noticed any major or consistent reaction - but then again my shower is most often after breakfast so is more likely to be affected by the vagaries of ebb and flow of insulin needs and breakfast dose behaviour.
Thank you everyone. Perhaps the shower is not the culprit as been higher than normal for me for most of the day. I don't feel ill but maybe a little stressed so this could possibly be the cause.
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